Monday, August 06, 2007

MS3 Clue 5

Clue 5 of Mystery Stole 3, Swan Lake, is done. The stole is back in the basket waiting for Clue 6 on Friday.

The right hand side of the stole (left side of the picture) is a swan wing, knit with short rows. Some Mystery Stole knitters were not pleased the stole is not going to be symmetrical and have come up with various ways to omit the wing and make their version match on both ends.

Normally I like prefer symmetry. It took me a minute or two - not more - to adjust my thinking when I saw the fifth clue. I didn't want to give up the fun and anticipation of knitting a mystery pattern by a competent designer like Melanie.

So far I think it likely the end result will be lovely. It can't be judged by this unblocked picture of a third of a completed wing.

Pattern: Mystery Stole 3 By Melanie Gibbons

Yarn: Regia silk fingering weight. 55% merino wool, 20% silk, 25% nylon.

Color: Black. As part of the KAL (Knit-A-Long) we were told that white or black best fit the stole theme.

Needles: Options #4.

Young Blue Heron hunting in the pond.

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