Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Autumn Song Update for August 14

If this was the start of the front, then this is the start of the back.

If all is knit according to pattern, they are exactly the same.

The graph for the next two leaves has been constructed in low tech - scissors and tape - and I'm ready to knit on with this piece. When I reach the top of the second graph, I'll switch back to the front and knit on that until I reach the top of the second graph.

Then, I have to figure out the neckline. I think I've got the gist of it, but I need to make sure before constructing the graph for the last two leaves.

Pattern: Herbstlied (Autumn Song) from New Style of Heirloom Knitting.

Yarn: Knitpicks Wool of the Andes, 100% wool.

Color: Firecracker heather

Needles: Options #5.

Gauge: 5.5 stitches/inch, 8.4 rows/inch in pattern

Click on the label Herbstlied at the end of this post to see all posts on this blog mentioning Herbstlied.

Other knitting projects on the needles:

Mystery Stole 3 - Clue 6, the next to the last clue is done. It looks like it did after Clue 5 only now it has more feathers.

We're still not done picking up live stitches for the wing. Looking forward to Clue 7, the last clue, on Friday.

Gansey Socks - I was a charter member of the Six Sock Knitalong, but it's been over a year since I've knit one of their socks. The Gansey Sock, the current pattern, caught my attention and I cast on yesterday.

I'm knitting it in red Opal UNI-Solid because I'm on a red kick and because it has hearts as part of the pattern.

There's not enough done to post a picture yet.

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