Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Joining the Crowd

I've joined the thousands of internet knitters who are knitting Mystery Stole 3.

For those who aren't knitters (Yes, I have non-knitters who read this blog. Isn't that amazing?), Mystery Stole 3 is a Yahoo group of approximately seven thousand knitters who are all knitting the same pattern but with different yarn and needles. Many are adding beads.

We don't know what we're knitting. Each Friday from June 29 to August 17 a clue is published, except for July 27 - we're taking a week off to read Harry Potter. The clue is the pattern for the next section of the stole.

The stole has a unknown theme which we're told we'll be able to see by the fifth clue.

This picture is my completed first clue. Two clues have been published. I'm a bit behind because I didn't decide to join until I saw how pretty the first clue knits up.

If I can get the second clue knit by the time the next clue is published on Friday, I won't be behind anymore. The pressure is on and I'm trying not to give into it.

The group is closed. But at the end of the summer, Melanie will be selling the pattern on her website Pink Lemon Twist.

Pattern: Mystery Stole 3 By Melanie Gibbons

Yarn: Regia silk fingering weight. 55% merino wool, 20% silk, 25% nylon.

Color: Black. As part of the KAL (Knit-A-Long) we were told that white or black best fit the stole theme.

Needles: Options #4.

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