Monday, July 09, 2007

Green Heron and Pink Flag

It's hot and I'm swatching the Acorn Sweater. Once the swatches are done, I'll post everything I've learned about Autumn Song/Wool of the Andes gauge. Meanwhile, here are a few non-knitting pictures.

Click on picture to see more detail.

Sunday morning I spotted a Green Heron (Butorides striatus) hunting at the edge of the pond.

The Green Heron is supposedly the most common Heron in the Great Lakes region. The Great Blue Heron is a much more frequent visitor to our property, so this sighting was a treat.

According to one of my bird books, "The Green Heron, even at a short distance looks almost black and is much more dark blue than green in its body plumage." Which is why it looks blue in the picture.

The dirt road where we live is right on the other side of these large, old pine trees.

The county right-of-way is on the pond side of the pine trees.

There's an ominous pink flag planted between the pine trees and the pond.

Next summer our road is scheduled to be paved and the pine trees will likely be gone. We're working on accepting their demise.

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