Friday, June 08, 2012

It's fast!

As of lunch time today, I have wireless high speed internet. I also have a new laptop.

After suffering years and years of dial up with a landline carrier that only works 95% of the time on a good day, I'm very excited and hopeful that this is going to be as wonderful as I think it's going to be.

Have a great weekend everyone. I'll be busy doing setup and tranferring files. And, as long as things go reasonably smooth, smiling. Even if I was the last person in America to get a wireless connection.


  1. Congratulations! More bird photos, please!

  2. Welcome to the fast line of the Information Highway--hope it means we will see more of you!

  3. Sorry about the "unknown" thing--for some reason the blog hasn't been recognizing me the way it used to. -Marie

  4. Hooray hooray oh happy day

  5. Congratulations and welcome to the fast lane! (And you are certainly not the last to get wireless; my Mom still has dial-up on a decades old phone-line system.)

  6. Yay! You'll soon wonder how you lived without it. (However, one of my co-workers still has dial-up, so you're not quite last!)

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Hooray! Does,this mean you'll be blogging more?

  8. What a interesting blog ! I come back soon! kind regards Mieke from Holland!

  9. YAY!!! I finally had to get an AT&T wireless connect hub for high speed internet. Glad you've found a way into the high speed world!

  10. Congratulations! I just got wireless last week.

  11. I always enjoy your photos. Thanks for writing! And welcome to the 21st century! Teehee.

  12. Congrats on wireless! We still can't get it around here so we use satellite, as long as it's a sunny day, that is.

  13. We still can't get wireless here at the house ;( At least, not anything that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and still doesn't give me speeds that are much faster than my super slow dial up.

    Have fun with yours ;D


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