Saturday, May 05, 2012

Snapshot for May 5, 2012

Weather in SW Michigan ...
Beautiful May day. Not too hot. Not too cool. Noisy frogs in the water and nesting birds everywhere.

The picture below is unaltered. The bluebird really is that blue.

What is Matt doing? ...
Discouraging blackflies. They are why his head is wrapped and his hand is waving in the air.

Something from the kitchen ...
Crockpot Chicken with Black Beans, Corn, and Creamcheese again. It's so easy with only five ingredients and the chicken doesn't have to be thawed. About five minutes prep time which includes finding the crockpot.

Totally delicious. And I can get four meals out of it.

I am creating...
This blog post. It counts as a creation because Blogger has changed everything and I'm trying to figure out how to get the lines spaced the way I want them.

I will get it right eventually, but at the moment I'm a bit frustrated.

I am procrastinating ...
Actually things are getting done at a comfortable pace and I have no major procrastination on my conscience.

There are some more bins in the basement that need to be sorted out, but the barn guys have been filling Herby everyweek so I'm taking a break.

Yes, I know I can fill garbage bags and save them until there's room. So, maybe I am procrastinating. I prefer to think of it as managing the workload.

I am reading...
The Song Remains the Same by Allison Winn Scotch.

An excellent story about a woman who loses her entire memory in a plane crash and how her family, each with their own set of character flaws, tries to influence her actions by altering the stories of her past.

Totally enjoying it.

I am hearing...
My neighbor mowing his lawn.

Sunny is softly snoring. Pappy is sound asleep. Both dogs are exhausted from guarding the house while the men were here working all week.

Outdoors ...
This female bluebird and the male in the top picture just finished their nest today. I expect to see eggs next week.

Something new for me ...
The barn has new doors, new windows, and now a new roof. Next is siding, paint, and a second garage door on the front.

A few plans for the next few days
Church tomorrow. Lunch with a friend on Monday. Sign up for high speed internet. Buy oranges for the Oriole feeder. Possibly buy a new laptop, which I've been informed is now called a tablet.

And ...
I love it when I can get a male and female together in the same picture. If I didn't know better, I'd think these two were posing.


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    We saw a bluebird while we were in Missouri last week, along with several cardinals. I was so excited! I just started the Inspector Gamache series on your recommendation and am thoroughly enjoying them. I think we have similar tastes in books. I should probably start trying your recipes too!

  2. Whenever I see a bluebird, I think of you and your posts on the nests. :) I saw one this morning.

  3. Great bird photos! Looks like you've conquered the new blogger; I find working in the html mode the easiest..... Happy Spring!

  4. So good to hear from you M. THose happiness bluebirds are just amazing.
    I may have to read that book, sounds like a good one.

    I have some books on tape to put my mind to this week.
    Lots of baseball/basketball knitting going on now though.
    Crockpot dinner sounds delish

  5. Linda in Chicagoland8:15 PM

    I wish I had bluebirds! Thanks for sharing yours. I made the chicken slow cooker recipe. Very good.

  6. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Oh, thank you, thank you for redefining procrastination to managing the workload!! I surely did need that one!! Elizabeth Monette


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