Thursday, May 31, 2012

Orange Eaters

A week ago I realized I had missed putting out the feeder for the May 1 arrival of the orioles. So I loaded it up with oranges and grape jelly and hung it out to see if I was too late to tempt them.

Sad to say, I haven't seen or heard an oriole this year. Either they didn't show up or I was oblivious when they arrived.

The feeder has been very busy even without the orioles. The catbirds have been enjoying both the oranges and the grape jelly.

The house finches are also fruit eaters. This male and female will be bringing their hatchlings soon. I can imagine the hatchlings being very disappointed when they mature and realize that grape jelly is not a normal part of bird feeder fare.

And, when the birds aren't there these little butterflies come and enjoy orange juice.


  1. Hi Marguerite,

    Does your feeder do a good job of keeping squirrels away? We have one living in a maple behind the house - he thinks everything we put out is for him!

  2. AnnP in NY4:43 PM

    No orioles at our house this year either. I have been listening every day for their distinctive call. Sadly, we had to cut down the tree where they had nested the past few years and I guess they have found other quarters. Last year I was lucky enough to be able to watch the drama on the day the babies fledged. We do have wrens nesting in our overturned canoe but they are hidden from my sight.

  3. all welcome little visitors eh??

  4. I had no idea that house finches like oranges! Fun!

  5. Well those little hatchlings will just be hanging out by your feeder from now on!!!!


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