Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook for February 7

FOR TODAY February 7, 2012 ...

Outside my window...
It's a cloudy, cold, damp, blah day.

I am thinking...
That I might be a bit old to be wearing bluejeans. Is that possible? What do senior ladies wear if not bluejeans?

I've moved to the "comfort" style with elastic in the waist and a roomy fit. Surely these are jeans for old ladies. But am I too old?

I love my denim and don't plan to spend much time thinking about this.

I am thankful for...
The mild winter we've had in SW Michigan.

From the kitchen...
When you happily live with someone else for years, there are many little compromises that become part of your life and you don't even think about them anymore.

Part of mourning is an exercise in discovering these things, acknowledging they don't need to exist anymore, and making changes.

Bob liked dark toast, I like light toast. The toaster was set on dark and I compensated by hovering over my toast and manually popping it up by hand. I was very good at picking the right moment and having toast just the way I liked.

Yesterday, six months after Bob's death, I was making toast and realized I could change the setting on the toaster to my preference. So I did. It was a sad moment.

I am wearing...
Bluejeans, an apple green sweatshirt, and handknit socks.

I am creating...
Almost done with Karen's socks and have some gorgeous new Opal from the VanGogh collection.

The blue skein is inspired by Starry Night . . .

The greenish skein is inspired by The Trinquetaille Bridge . . .

I am going...
Yesterday I went to a monthly lunch with a friend and realized it was the first time I'd been anywhere except the dentist, the endodontist, the oral surgeon, and grocery store since the last time we'd had lunch four weeks ago.

I'm still not feeling 100%, but maybe 75%. The trend is toward improvement.

I am reading...
Just finished Her Mother's Hope and Her Daughter's Dream, a multi-generational saga by Francine Rivers. Held my interest, but found all the misunderstandings and noncommunication between generations to be depressing. I might not have finished the two book series if I hadn't been sitting around holding my jaw.

I am hoping...
For a technical innovation that will block political phonecalls and advertisements from my life. They are especially annoying because I've already cast my absentee ballot.

Michigan primary is February 28.

I am hearing...
The very early spring songs of the Cardinals and Tufted Titmice.

Around the house...
Moss grows on the north side of a tree. And this year, due to the mild winter, moss grows on all sides of the trees. Also in the lawn, on the cement structures, on the sidewalks, in the gardens, and up the north side of the house. I've never seen anything like it in my twenty years here.

One of my favorite things...
Almost anything that has lots of calories. This is a problem.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Hardly any. Still trying to get my strength back and feel somewhat normal.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Careful back there . . .

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.


  1. Sandy W6:48 PM

    I'd go with "there is no age limit for jeans".

  2. Never too old for jeans. Now, tight yoga pants that show off the contours of cotton full briefs, yeah. Of course, I've seen young women that had no business wearing tight yoga pants outside the house or yoga studio particularly when their thong underwear outline is visible. Wear whatever you want.

  3. You're never too old for blue jeans. Love the artwork that inspired the yarn choices.

  4. I agree! Never too old for blue jeans. I'm so glad to hear that you're at least 75%. That is definitely an improvement. Of course, there could be a relationship between the many calories thing and the elastic waist, but I ain't throwing no stones! If there ever was a time for comfort food (even light toast) it is now. Lovely colors in those skeins. I'm working on a pair of socks for the lady I traded the quilt with and I think the colors are so ugly - but she picked them out!

  5. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Do you know that there are blue jeans avalable with a lot of stretch built in, thus no need to get the ones with elastic waist, they really are comfy in the waist also they have a nice tapered leg, that will let you look chic , no matter the age. My daughter bought me the new skinny tapered pants,for Xmas; that look really well with a bit of a longer top. I am a senior, never worried about wearing the right kind of jeans.
    You will start to feel better when you realize that you are in charge
    of the way you present yourself to the world, every day when you choose what to wear.Marguerite, I know life has been very difficult for you, I feel your pain, I wish you better days ahead, lighter in every way, then you can strutt your jeans, and a fancy tailored
    top and you'll be surprised how you will feel.
    Love, Rita

  6. I'm still discovering the no longer needed compromises too. The one that still gets me is the tv remote. As much as those discoveries hurt, in a way, I hope they continue for a very long time to come for me, little glimpses of better times and happier memories.

    You are often in my prayers.

  7. My motto is comfort above fashion (and usually it shows, lol). I say, keep wearing your jeans!

    Marguerite, as I was absent from blogging, reading & writing, for several months, I didn't realize that you'd recently lost your husband. I am so very sorry to hear that.

  8. Marguerite, as another one living by herself for the first time ever, I can understand those compromises. Mine wasn't the toaster but something else. In fact probably several things lately. Even bed times.

    I hope you feel better physically soon. Being down like that with pain leaves little energy to deal with grief.

  9. I intend to wear jeans as long as I want to wear jeans. Anybody that has a problem with that will just have to live with it. :)

    I'll be 60 this year.

    OTOH, I can remember seeing one of my college professors wearing jeans, and I was *scandalized*. She had to be over 30!!!!!11!

    I've grown up a lot since then. :)

  10. Joyce4:01 PM

    You're never too old for jeans. If the ladies in the nursing home where my dad is can wear them, anyone can! (and they do.)

  11. Oh M the toast story is so poignant....
    I'm still sorry. I think I'll wear my jeans into my hundreds../
    I LOVE your new sock yarn.
    IM trying to finish a sock in a hard to knit yarn....

  12. I wear jeans almost everyday. If I have to get dressed up, I put on capris in the Summer and Khakis in the Winter. I'll be 60 this year and have no plans to stop wearing jeans, ever. Besides, they go with everything.

    My heart aches for you, dear Marguerite, and as others have said, you're often in my prayers. I think you're doing splendidly! One day at a time.

    Great sock yarn!!

  13. Sherilan10:22 PM

    My 92-year-old MIL wears jeans, but I don't think her older sister did. I had been wearing comfy knit pants until we became a cat family about 15 years ago. Jeans are better protection against claws like needles.

  14. Blue jeans are the best, and you are never too old for them. Lots of prayers and hugs to you! - Christine ( a longtime silent reader - 'til now )

  15. if you like how your jeans feel, just do it!!

    I'll be in trouble if someone convinces me I'm too old for my jeans and a tee shirt 'uniform.' I do dress it up with a scarf or shawl if I'm planning to be in public.


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