Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook for January 31, 2012

Outside my window...
It's over 50 degrees today. Snow is melting and everything looks blah, but the roads are icefree.

I am thinking...
That this has been the strangest January I can ever remember. Normally we get "a" January thaw that lasts a few days at most. This year I've lost count of the thaws we've had, but I think it's been about one a week.

I am thankful for...
A careful endodontist who checked my jaw before digging in for surgery and found a molar that needed a root canal, which he did. Once the pain dies down my jaw problems may be over. Even if not, the tooth was part of the problem and needed to be treated.

From the kitchen...
Easy stuff. I've been mostly hanging out in bed holding my sore jaw.

I am wearing...
Jeans, a gray sweatshirt with some coffee drizzled down the front, and hand knit socks.

I am creating...
Occasionally knitting on Karen's socks. Both heels are done. One is knit down to the toes.

I am going...
Back to the endodontist tomorrow because my jaw is still hurting. After three weeks, I'm having a difficult time remembering what it feels like to have a painfree jaw.

I am reading...
Cutting for stone by Abraham Verghese. Months ago when I put this on hold at the library I was 24th in the queue. Maybe they should have bought a few more of this title? It's an excellent novel and I'm enjoying it when I feel good enough to read.

I am hoping...
That tomorrow's visit to the endodontist is the definitive end of my jaw problem.

I am hearing...
The refrigerator is humming in the background. Pappy and Sunny are both snoring during their after dinner nap.

Around the house...
I'm looking forward to feeling well enough to vacuum and dust. Now that's a change.

One of my favorite things...
A painless day.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Getting better and getting on with life.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Granddaughter Kimmy.

FOR TODAY January 31, 2012...

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.


  1. Kimmy looks SO grown up in that photo - she's beautiful! I am so sorry about the recurring dental nightmare. I do sympathize, having gone through very similar ordeals a couple of years ago. Here's to pain free living soon! I read Cutting for Stone and enjoyed it very much. Lots of insight into the history and life style of Ethiopia.

  2. Julia in KW8:35 PM

    Totally understand wondering what it feels like to be painfree from dental distress...been there, done that - hope not to go there again. I have Cutting for Stone on my KOBO right now - it is next in line for me...and your grandaughter looks lovely!

  3. I sure hope that fixing that molar will solve your jaw problems. I can totally identify with your pain as I have severe TMJ. It's hard to be excited about life when you have constant pain.

    Kimmy is growing up fast based on your photos! She is a young woman now.

  4. I hope you're feeling better today!

  5. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I am praying that you will have relief from your jaw pain soon.

    Your granddaughter is so beautiful!

    I enjoy reading your blog


  6. Hope you feel better soon!! Three years ago I had a year quite similar to the one you're going through. Lost my dad, my grandfather, my adopted father and our dog. Not fun, but that year was a paradigm shift for me. I learned a lot from it. I hope your jaw and spirit mend as soon as possible! :D

  7. Kimmy is so beautiful.

    Im sorry you are in such pain. Your coffee stained shirt though ,made me giggle. Is that appropriate. ????

    YOu hang in there. You are taking it day by day. Your socks from the previous post are gorgeous.

  8. Laurie1:16 PM

    so glad to hear you are feeling better. I loved "Cutting for Stone". It was night a light read but a really interesting book. I hope you enjoy it.

  9. Laurie1:17 PM

    oops. that was suppose to say "Not a light read".

  10. Prayers, Marguerite. I've had a couple of tooth abscesses, both on a weekend, that left me wanting to bang my head against the wall the pain was so bad. I can't imagine going as long as you have. Hopefully it's been taken care of by now and you're on the mend.


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