Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for October 4

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY October 4, 2011 ...

Outside my window...
It's a beautiful early autumn afternoon and I would be outside if I wasn't waiting for a phone call from the vet about Glory's latest urine sample.

I am thinking...
of taking a week of staycation the week that begins with Halloween. And I really mean stay, as in stay home and knit and read and vegetate and act like a the introvert that I am.

I am thankful for...
The ladies who bath and groom my dogs. They take special care with delicate Sunny and old Glory. The dogs love going and they especially love coming home all clean and having me tell them how beautiful they are.

From the kitchen...
Deviled Crab Casserole.

This is the yummiest thing from Taste of Home's Cooking for One or Two I've made so far and it was also the easiest.

It's in a foil baking dish because I didn't have the one quart casserole dish the recipe called for. If I keep experimenting with small amount recipes, there may need to be a few baking dish investments.

I am wearing...
Jeans, a navy sweatshirt with a basket of violets embroidered on the front, and the first pair of handknit socks I ever knit. They're at least ten years old, knit with Opal yarn, and still looking good.

I am creating...
Brother Dave's "wild" Christmas socks.

I am going...
To attend a thirteen week Griefshare group at my church starting next week. I've learned that grief is much more complicated than I realized and understanding the process helps getting through the bad days.

I am reading...
Listening to The Body on the Beach by Simon Brett while I knit. This was a oops, I've had this checked out of the library before. But it's an amusing, pleasant book so I'm listening to it again.

I am hoping...
That the dogs and I can stay calm while the guys are ripping out the bathroom next week. This is a small, one bathroom house and there are going to be many challenges. If I wasn't running a doggy nursing home, I would have investigated moving out for the week.

I am hearing...
In the distance my neighbor is hammering away on something he's building.

Around the house...
I've been spotting and eliminating spiders. This is the time of year they come in for the warmth.

The spider in the picture is outside and I told him to stay outside.

One of my favorite things...

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Today was dog grooming day. The dogs are now clean, groomed, home, fed, and exhausted.

Also today is urine sample from Glory to the vet. I am now an expert at getting urine samples from female dogs. Haven't mastered the male version yet and hope I never have to do so.

Wednesday Pappy has a vet appointment to see if he needs his anal glands removed.

Thursday is a date with the dental hygienist.

Friday is grocery shopping and all week I'm working on the shopping list for the bathroom remodel.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Some little bird is sleeping here to keep warm at night and left a feather on the doorstep.


  1. I've sworn off buying more cookbooks, but I'm thinking I may have to get that Taste of Home book. I'm tired of throwing out leftovers! I love the idea of a staycation. I, too, am an introvert, and a day at home just doing the things I love sounds heavenly. Hope the bathroom remodel goes well.

  2. I would love to see those socks that are 10 yrs old!!!!

  3. I am glad you are planning a staycation. I think you are due for a week of rest.

    The stitch pattern in Dave's socks looks interesting. will you share the stitch pattern?

  4. Glad to see that you've picked up the knitting again. You've got me hooked on Slackford Studio yarn! I'm using some Stalwart Sock for a pair of Hederas for my daughter and it's a match made in heaven! The yarn really is superior to just about anything else out there. I'll be a regular customer!

  5. What is the pattern that you're using for Brother's wild socks? I really like it!

  6. You take the best photos! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  7. M Thank you so much for the comment and for the back and forth gettting my blog format back into shape again! I love that you are going to go to a support group. GOOD for you. I also love Staycations, Im having a mini stacation week here. Just monday to friday staycation. Im getting lots of good walks in

  8. I hesitated to bring up this delicate matter before but since you mention it...would you share your method for collecting urine from your dogs? I have gotten my share of funny looks from the neighbors as I follow my dog around the yard with a container.
    I totally understand your dread of the bathroom remodel.

  9. Carrie6:10 PM

    A Staycation is the best -- although, I usually end up feeling guilty because I'm not cleaning.
    Hope the vet visits went well. Thinking of you!


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