Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for October 11

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY October 11, 2011 ...

Outside my window...
There are leaves covering everything.

I am thinking...
How nice it would be to have a chauffeur.

I am thankful for...
Flu shots. Got mine today.

From the kitchen...
This morning I made two Mini-tuna Casseroles and ate one for lunch with some rice. It was delicious and easy to make. Another recipe to add to my keeper file.

I am wearing...
Jeans, a striped lilac V-neck tee, matching hand knit socks.

I am creating...
Occasionally working on Dave's socks, but the main project this week is the bathroom remodel.

I am going...
To be so happy when the bathroom is done and I have the house to myself again. And a place to pee in the daytime. They did promise me a working toilet each evening when they leave so at least I'm not out after dark with a flashlight in the bushes.

I am reading...
King Solomon's Carpet by Barbara Vine. A novel about a group of people centered around the London Underground.

Not as good a some of her other books, but I'm enjoying it anyway.

I am hoping...
That this little fellow is not thinking of storing things under my hood.

I am hearing...
Someone in the distance has a leaf blower going and there's a plane overhead. Two men are working in the bathroom.

Around the house...
There is no water. Why didn't I realize the bathroom people were going to be turning off the water for some of the time they are working?

One of my favorite things...
Sweet Pappy, my most loving dog.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Up early every morning to use the water before the bathroom people turn it off. My goal for the week is for the dogs and I to get through the bathroom remodel.

Driving Mom to a two hour long eye appointment on Thursday afternoon and will probably bring Sunny with me and sit out in the car with her. Sunny gets upset about the men in the house and the things going on in the bathroom. The other two dogs will take a nice long nap and ignore it.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Before the new, the old has to go.


  1. Love the chipmunk photo!

  2. So do I want to know what you do regarding the potty during the daytime? At least we had close neighbors when we were going through that! Did you remember to take "before" pictures? A chauffeur would be nice, but I think a cook would be better. Have you ever visited the site "Good Reads"? It's kind of fun because you can see what your friends are reading, give ratings and recommendations. I haven't kept up with mine as well as I should, but I've gotten some good feedback regarding books to read.

  3. You'll be so happy to have those before photos when your remodel is all done! You chipmunk picture made me laugh; my sister once smelled "toast" burning when she was driving, and it turned out that mice or chippies had been storing dog food on the manifold! So keep an eye on that little guy...

  4. Did you make the rug Pappy is resting on?

  5. For some reason chipmunks aren't down here in Southeast GA. We had them in RI when I was growing up. Thought they were so cute. Chip and Dale kind of thing!
    Enjoy that new bathroom!


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