Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for September 20

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY September 20, 2011 ...

Outside my window...
There are little hints of autumn color change in the trees.

I am thinking...
That I should use my cell phone more often. I always give people my landline number and then end up waiting around when I expect a call. It really doesn't make any sense, it's just habit from decades of doing it that way.

I am thankful for...
The Oshtemo branch of the Kalamazoo Public Library that lets me have access to any book in the Kalamazoo Public Library catalog even though I don't live in Kalamazoo County. It's near the Meijer store where I grocery shop and is a weekly stop for me.

From the kitchen...
My goal is to try two new recipes a week from Taste of Home's Cooking for One or Two. Most of the recipes are two servings, so that's four evening meals.

Tonight is Simple Herbed Scallops. Second adventure in small amount cooking is going to be Lemon-Thyme Cornish Hens. Have all the ingredients and looking forward to fixing and eating.

I am wearing...
Jeans, a navy sweatshirt, and some old but still nice handknit Opal socks.

I am creating...
Space by sorting out drawers, cupboards, closets, shelves, bins, and piles. It's totally amazing how much stuff in this little house I never cared about seeing again, and I'm still working on it. Have barely started in the basement.

I am going...
To be getting some new special order sock yarn from Slackford Studio soon and will start Christmas sock knitting for Brother Dave and Karen.

I am reading...
Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make A Difference for a Sunday evening church small group.

I am hoping...
Readers will ask me questions in the comments so I'll have something to blog about Saturday if I write a "Chat Back" post.

I am hearing...
The humming of the refrigerator and Sunny snoring on my left.

Around the house...
It seems like it's always time to vacuum, my least favorite chore. Maybe that's because three dogs live here?

One of my favorite things...
Photographer Granddaughter Kimmy.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Once again taking Glory's urine sample to the vet. Grocery shopping, library, lunch with Mom.

Maybe getting some new retaining walls, maybe not. The guy that is supposed to be doing it hasn't done anything he said he was going to do including show up the last time he was going to show up. I'm not calling him again. If he comes, fine. If he doesn't I'll find someone else to do it in the spring.

I'm very tired of calling people who sound interested and don't show up. I'd take it personally, but everyone else seems to have the same problem. My advice to all the unemployed people in Michigan: Learn how to provide a service people need and then run it like a business. Don't say you're going to do something unless you're actually going to do it, and SHOW UP. And, if you need to change your schedule, be polite enough to call.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Time for every living thing to get ready for the coming winter.


  1. As you know, I've been cleaning out too and am finding it quite liberating! I just can't seem to get my sewing room to stay that way. The Herbed Scallops made my mouth water - were they as tasty as they looked. How are you liking Max Lucado's book. We're always on the lookout for good study books for our small group at church. Special order sock yarn - sounds intriguing!

  2. Are you knitting?

  3. Carrie1:33 PM

    We know how Glory is doing, and you're taking great care of her. How are the little dogs doing these days?

  4. How are the birds? We still have hummingbirds down here in VA, but it's been chilly so I hope they're all on the move south!
    Interesting too... they usually have to fight the bees to get to the feeders at this time of year, but the bee populations seem to be very small. I'm glad the birds can get in to feed but it's not a good sign about the bees.

  5. You know, it always amazes me how ppl complain they dont have work, but when offered work, they dont communicate with the customer. I understand things come up, fine. Just call me and let me know. Treat me how you'd like to be treated and we'll all get along fine. I had a guy come to trim my trees. He did a great job on three of them. The last one his crew was tired and needed a break. Instead of taking a break, they pushed thru. That tree suffered because of it. this was back in May and it still doesnt look right. hope you find a guy (or a girl!) who will do a great job on your retaining walls.

  6. What is the special order yarn you're getting? Would you recommend the Slackford Studio Stalwart Sock yarns?


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