Monday, July 18, 2011

Coming Out of a Blogging Funk

I apologize to the many readers who have been concerned about me. I've been in a blogging funk. When it's time to sit down and write a post, I've read a book and/or taken a nap instead.

For now I plan to keep blogging, but not as often as I see how life unfolds.

Since I'm a goal setter, I'm going to try for three posts a week.

Tomorrow, Lord willing, there will be a Simple Woman's Daybook. Wednesday there will be a Wednesday Wings with an adolescent Oriole learning to eat grape jelly.


  1. Glad you are back. Your blogging should be FUN! I look forward to them if you still enjoy them.

  2. Glad to know you're OK. I agree that blogging when the weather's nice (finally) is hard to do!

  3. I go through blogging funks too. Sometimes I just don't have the energy to get my thoughts and pics organized. Don't worry about it.

  4. You certainly have company! I've been in a funk too. I'm busy, but much of it doesn't seem interesting enough to blog about! Glad everything is ok. We'll be here when you're ready.

  5. So glad you are okay...those green Monas were starting to get to pressure, just know that you have many fans but sometimes there just isn't much to say. Same thing happens to me with knitting--sometimes a knitting funk comes on, and then vanishes as mysteriously as it came. Be well

  6. Just glad that all is okay! I've been the same so I understand. Whenever you have something to say I'm glad to read it... but no worries if you need a break!

  7. Diane9:06 PM

    Glad to see you are writing again. I really enjoy your posts. I enjoy the knitting, the 'critters' and remembering my two trips to Michigan. You are in a beautiful state.

  8. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I enjoy your blog and missed you while you were gone. Welcome back.

  9. Would it help to know that you are one of my favorite bloggers?
    And I don't even knit.

  10. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I am glad to know you are okay but totally understand the blogging funk. I lost my beloved dog and haven't wanted to blog about anything. Also, I've been in physical therapy for months and the knitting and spinning have been almost non-existent.

    Glad to have you back....and well!

  11. Write when you can without feeling bad for NOT writing! Things happen.

    Just be well. :)

    BTW, I think of you when I watch the birds at the feeder.


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