Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for June 14

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY June 14, 2011...

Outside my window...
The sun is shining and it's about 72 degrees. Beautiful.

I am thinking...
About what needs to go on the grocery list.

I am thankful for...
A special friend who said, "Let me do that for you" and spent over a half day chauffeuring me to a medical appointment last week. Nothing serious, but it did require a "responsible adult" and getting drugged.

From the kitchen...
Last thing I made was a batch of baked macaroni and cheese. It was cool enough Sunday so the oven could be on. In fact, it felt good to have the oven on.

I am wearing...
Size 10 jeans again. And, they're not too tight. Total weight loss so far is fifteen pounds.

Maintenance concerns me. I'm an expert at losing weight, but I haven't mastered the art of keeping it off.

I am creating...
Still working on the Mona socks.

The Metro sweater is done but needs to be washed and blocked before I take pictures. Brandywine is done except I'm going to frog the sleeves and do them a different way. The sleeves are short so that shouldn't take long once I get organized and motivated.

I am going...
To clean out my closet and take many things to Goodwill.

I am reading...
The NIV Application Commentary: Revelation for my daily Bible study.

The NIV Application series are perfect for someone who wants to understand what the Bible is saying. For me, they're written at the perfect level - not simplistic yet not too scholarly.

For each passage it teaches what the passage originally meant to the people and culture at the time it was written and then brings the ancient message into modern context.

Revelation is my first NIV Application book, but I have two more on the way, Genesis and John.

I am hoping...
The Orioles will bring their fledglings to the Oriole feeder. If they do, I'm hoping I'm looking out the window to see it and possibly take a picture.

I am hearing...
Pappy whining to go outside and Glory shaking her tags. Guess it's time for a dog walk.

Around the house...

The Sedum is thriving. It likes the sandy soil, doesn't need feeding, doesn't need watering, seems to be indestructible, and the deer don't eat it.

I have seven different varieties and they're all doing well.

One of my favorite things...

The Trap-It Ant Moat for Hummingbird Feeders, Red Bulk.

I have one for the Oriole feeder and one for the Hummingbird feeder. Fill it with water and the ants can't get to the sweet stuff. So simple and so perfect.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Today I get the final crown on the tooth that started all the dental trouble. Afterward I'm meeting Mom and Sister Doris from Virginia for Chinese lunch at Hunan Garden.

I'm working overtime to get caught up on yardwork after the uncooperative spring weather. But it's lawn mowing season and it seems like I'm always mowing instead of doing everything else demanding my attention.

Thursday is haircut day, so back to Kalamazoo for that. I'm sure I'll be able to think of a few other errands to work into that trip.

And, of course, I'm trying to get back into the routine of blogging a few times a week

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

We have a creek and two ponds on our property, but the birds like to drink the water in the ant moats.


  1. It's so nice to see you feeling better and back to blogging. That's good information about the NIV Commentaries. I may give them a look and suggest it for our group's next Bible Study.

  2. Lovely photos, Margeurite. Perhaps the birds drink there rather than creeks because it's up high away from ground predators?

    I like the Word commentaries, but they take a bit of getting used to in their formatting in three sections and have quite a bit of Greek in them.

    I hope the last of that dental work goes easily for you.

  3. Im glad your dental work is nearly finsihed! I am glad you are blogging again. I missed you!


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