Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for May 10

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY May 10, 2011...

Outside my window...
A male Oriole is eating grape jelly.

I am thinking...
That the photographer who took my portrait for the church directory went a bit overboard editing out blemishes and wrinkles. Bless him. I haven't been this wrinkle free in 50 years. Even then I had a few zits.

I am thankful for...
The warm weather that finally arrived this week.

From the kitchen...
Lemon bars to take to a lunch potluck celebrating the completion of our year long Bible Study Fellowship study of Isaiah.

I am wearing...
Light weight denim slacks and a turquoise cotton V-neck top.

I am creating...
Knitting on the right front of Brandywine. The left front is done and the shoulders sewn together, but I don't like the way the lace looks at the join. I'm wondering if I unsew it and reknit the top few rows of the left back shoulder if I could get it to look better. Or it's possible I could spend alot of time reworking it and have it end up looking worse.

I am going...
To rework it. I know I am. I just haven't admitted it to myself yet.

I am reading...
Listening to The Copper Bracelet while I knit.

Jeffery Deaver wrote the first chapter and then passed it on to 15(?) other authors who wrote a chapter each. The other authors include celebrated thriller writers Lee Child, Joseph Finder, David Hewson, David Liss, and Lisa Scottoline.

Are you wondering how this could possibly work? Well, it doesn't work all that well. Each author feels they need to a) make the plot more complicated and b) kill somebody off.

If I were actually reading this book, it would be going back to the library unfinished. Since I'm listening to it, it may get finished or maybe not.

I am hoping...
The Bluebirds learn to eat from their feeder. So far they've been uninterested in dehydrated mealworms. Maybe I need live, wiggly mealworms?

I am hearing...
The noisy Catbirds who have moved up near the house to be nearer the grape jelly in the Oriole feeder.

The Orioles rule the feeder. When they come to eat, the Catbirds get chased off.

Around the house...
The grass is growing, the weeds are growing, the yardwork is about a month behind because of the cold, wet spring we had. Just today, the 10th of May, some of the large deciduous trees are beginning to look a little green. That normally happens during the last ten days of April.

One of my favorite things...
My new Oriole feeder. Never guessed so many other birds had a sweet beak for grape jelly. This House Finch couple is chowing down.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Wednesday is grocery shopping, library, errand day. Thursday is haircut day. Saturday is Louise Lunch with Mom, daughter Heather, and granddaughter Kimmy. Our annual Mother's Day celebration of four generations with the middle name Louise.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Time for a new roof?


  1. Forgive me if I giggled a little at your picture. Maybe he was going for the "Cher" frozen face look. Personally I'm a little fond of my wrinkles. We've earned them, right? And is that really your roof? That picture is priceless!

  2. THe book plot sounds like way too much brain work and not enough fun.

    I love your lemon bar smells, they come through the computer you know!
    Your portrait is so lovely. very very nice

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I think your church directory photo looks great! Any help is appreciated - LOL.

    I never knew birds like grape jelly. The trees here leafed out in early March and all the Spring flowers finished blooming weeks ago.

    I always enjoy your Simple Woman's posts and look forward to reading what you are doing.

  4. Ok this may be a stupid question, but when you say grape jelly, this is the same grape jelly we put on our bread and biscuits, not some special bird grape jelly, right? I never knew birds liked it!!!! My husband just bought some suet because he heard birds are crazy for this stuff. It has yet ot be touched but the black oil bird seed is going fast!


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