Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's Wrong With Your Head, Girl?

I've been feeling totally blah for the past three weeks, so last week I decided to rest and see if I could heal myself. Instead of feeling better, I got splitting headaches every afternoon.

I kept thinking I would feel better soon, but it didn't happen. Yesterday morning the headache didn't wait until afternoon, and the only decision I needed to make was whether to call the doctor or the dentist.

Knowing I had an appointment in two weeks to have a crown replaced because of underlying decay, I decided to try the dentist. Good choice. To make a long story short, I ended up having a root canal yesterday. Even though my jaw is still a little sore, I feel much better.

While suffering and recovering, I started a pair of Zauberball socks for Mom.

The long color blocks gradually merge one to the next. I knew I could never get the socks to match exactly, especially not while my head was throbbing, so I just split the skein in half and started knitting.

This is the wildest pair of mismatched socks I've ever knit. Looking at the balls you can see that the cuff colors of one sock match what's going to be the foot colors of the the other sock.

Mom asked for socks out of this yarn, but I'm not sure she expected this. If she never wears them out of her apartment, I'll understand.

Pattern: Basic cuff down sock pattern on 64 stitches. k3p1 ribbing on cuff and instep.

Yarn: Zauberball.

Color: 1155.

Needles: Options #1, 2.5mm

Gauge: 8 stitches/inch, 10 rows/inch


  1. Ouch. Feel better soon. I would totally wear those socks in public.

  2. I'm happy that you have that behind you and are feeling better. I hope the bright colors of your socks lift your spirits as you continue to recover. All the best to you, Marguerite.

  3. ow! ow! ow! glad you're mending.

    oh boy! LOVE those socks - i am so getting some of that yarn!

    but hope the colors aren't giving you another headache :)

  4. Hope you feel better soon, totally love the colour of those socks it is just so bright and cheery!

  5. Glad you were able to get some relief. I can really sympathize with dental crises! The socks are quite interesting! I think most knitters would love them - non-knitters might be puzzled. But they are gorgeous.

  6. I'm betting you could get another 'matching' pair from that yarn. Will there be enough?

  7. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Ouch! Root canals are not fun - hope you feel better very soon.

    I kinda like the socks - LOL. If the yarn is soft and comfy, the colors should make your Mom feel very cheerful each time she wears them.

  8. I hope you're feeling better.

    Those Zauberball colors sure are bright! I've heard those called "fraternal socks", instead of being identical twin socks.


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