Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for April 5

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY April 5, 2011...

Outside my window...

The sun is shining, the sky is blue. From inside the house it looks like a beautiful spring day. When I go outside it's 40F degrees with a cold brisk wind. Wool hat and mitten weather.

I am thinking...
That income tax preparation must be big business in the US. I looked over our forms today and all the numbers and calculations made me dizzy. Normally I'm a detail person and not afraid of math, but those forms aren't math, they're insanity. I live in fear of our CPA retiring.

I am thankful for...
The CPA who does our taxes. It's one of the bills I pay with gratitude.

From the kitchen...
I need someone to come in and do the dishes because I don't want to.

I am wearing...
It's a very casual day here. Gray sweat pants and a pink sweatshirt.

I am creating...

A second pair of Vegan acceptable socks for Sister Carrie. These are Panda Cotton.

I am going...
To get up and fix a cup of tea.

I am reading...
Bible Study Fellowship commentary. We're approaching the end of a school year study of Isaiah. Not an easy book to understand but very rich and beautiful. I'm adding it to my list of favorite books of the Bible.

I am hoping...
That when I go to have a crown replaced in a few weeks it won't require a root canal.

I am hearing...

The Phoebe. They're nesting under the balcony floor. Same place for twenty years now.

Around the house...
Dogs are napping, Bob is laughing at something online.

One of my favorite things...
Dannon Greek Yogurt in vanilla. It's rich and creamy and only 110 calories.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...


  1. Except for the 40 degrees, it sounds like the perfect day. But then, if it were warmer you'd be tempted to go outside and inside with a cup of tea sounds pretty good - especially with dogs napping and husband laughing!

  2. ahhh the sound of laughter in the house!!! a fine fine thing

  3. I love reading your Tuesday Daybook. I may have to try it sometime, but I'm awful at taking pictures and getting them into the computer in a timely manner. :o) Sounds like a nice, relaxing day for all at your house.

  4. Carrie12:40 PM

    I definitely didn't realize I was getting a beautiful second pair of socks! Thank you SO much -- this pair is lovely, too! And, for what it's worth, I have really enjoyed using Turbo tax...they have found me large refunds each year I've used them, and my friends with more complicated taxes tell me Turbo Tax can accomodate any tax situation. I've been impressed.

  5. Ahhh...muskrats. They have undermined the bank of our little stream to the point where we nearly lost our lawn tractor a couple of years ago when it broke through the soft muck of our lower lawn into their den.
    Lovely posts as always!


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