Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for March 1

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY March 1, 2011...

Outside my window...

A Blue Heron is walking down the creek looking for food.

Are those icicles dangling from its tail?

I am thinking...
How happy I am to have lost ten pounds. Now I need to lose ten more.

I am thankful for...
The power staying on during last week's ice storm. Very thankful!

Thousands of homes, businesses, and schools around us lost their power for days. The storm hit Sunday night and it was Friday before the last people got their power restored.

From the kitchen...
Mac and cheese in the oven. Not good diet food. I will be careful about how much I eat.

I am wearing...
Size 10 brown corduroy pants and they're not tight. This is so exciting. Time to search the drawers and closet for other clothing I haven't been able to wear for a while.

I am creating...

Son John's birthday socks.

Yes, it's the BFF pattern by Cookie A. again. I seem to be stuck on it because it's perfect in so many ways. This pair of socks demonstrates a new reason to love this pattern - it has a 72 stitch version and it knows how to be manly.

The yarn is Knitpicks Stroll in Buckskin.

I am going...
To sit and knit when I'm done with this blog post.

I am reading...
Just finished Kittyhawk Down by Garry Disher, the second Detective Inspector Hal Challis mystery.

I'm enjoying these Australian books very much. So much that I'll be willing to buy the paperbacks of the rest of the series if I can't find them at the library.

I am hoping...
To see the wild turkeys when they come into the yard. I see their footprints so I know they've been here.

I am hearing...
Many more bird songs when we go outdoors. The birds are claiming and guarding their nesting spots and looking for a mate if they don't have one.

Around the house...
Many things need dusting.

One of my favorite things...

A few weeks ago I bought a pair of Stabilicers Lite and attached them to an old pair of New Balance shoes. We've had a lot of ice since then and I've been able to take the dogs out for walks without worrying about falling. Without the Stabilizers I wouldn't have gone far from the porch.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Get to the warm pool to stretch out my sore joints, grocery shopping, listening to the next Garry Disher book, starting the taxes, finishing John's socks, and maybe doing some of that dusting that needs to be done.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

The day after the ice storm this mourning dove appearing at the feeders looking like this. Its tail must have frozen to its perch while it slept. Ouch.


  1. Love how your turkeys have been out in the YARN. :-) I am thankful that our snow/ice is gone (at least for the time being) and my daffodils have bloomed. So wonderful to see the bright yellow color.

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss. I need to do likewise. I had to laugh at your footgear. It looked a little like a medieval torture device.

  3. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Oh, that poor mourning dove. Congratulations on the weight loss. I too have lost 20 lbs and am trying to keep it off.

  4. Laurie1:38 PM

    No crimson and gold for John this year? I hope he hasn't given up on our Redskins. Maybe just wanted to expand his sock collection. They look wonderful.

  5. Congratulations on your weight loss. Oh, I'd be so happy to lose 2 pounds, but it doesn't budge!

    Poor Dove. Never thought about their feathers sticking, or freezing on their perches.

  6. Poor mourning dove! For some reason, I've worried about the birds a lot this winter. How do they keep warm when it's so cold?

    And I wouldn't make it to the bus stop most mornings without my YakTrax - kind of like your Stabilicers. They're kind of like chains for your feet!

  7. Love those socks. too. Not as much as mine....but very nice.
    Congrats on losing some weight ...I need to start walking again!!!!
    I have snowdrops just peeking up !!! so very exciting today...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. removed last post because of typo's

    Here it is sorted.

    Poor wee bird. A feral cat once got stuck overnight on our car windscreen. He must have went up for a heat and his fur got stuck to the glass. He left some behind. We had a very severe December and my friend found lots of dead birds in her farm fields. I just keep feeding my garden visitors and hope it's enough to get them through the winter. Really worry about them.


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