Friday, March 25, 2011

Early Spring, Late March

It's been colder than normal for March. Still, the signs of spring can't be ignored now.

The Phoebes are back.

Some of the Goldfinches have started their molt from winter drab olive to spring bright gold.

Sandhill Cranes are flying over on the way to their nesting sites.

Their constant trilling is so loud it can't be missed.

Many nights are still below freezing. Wednesday night we had some snow and the roads were icy enough to cause a few accidents on Thursday morning.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    It's good you are seeing signs of Spring in your area. We have been warmer than normal - in the 80's! My new A/C is already getting a good test.

  2. Thanks for the bird pictures.

  3. My Goldfinches are much brighter yellow than last month, the azalea's are all in bloom and yesterday I planted all my window boxes, so hang in there, spring is on it's way to you.

  4. We had a flight of sandhills go over the house low enough to hear their feathers whistle as they flew. That was SO COOL.

    My crocuses are up - I declare it Spring!


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