Monday, March 21, 2011

Black Monday

Moving on to the next family birthday and pair of birthday socks. Little Sister Carrie asked for Vegan acceptable socks in black or navy. I bought some of each color and am tackling the black ones first.

Notice I didn't pick out an intricate stitch pattern.

The cuffs were pretty easy. I knit slow because the yarn is splitty and the splits aren't easy to spot in the black. Now it's time for the heels. The gusset pickups are going to require some intense lighting, but then it should get easier again.
Dear Carrie, When you read this, take it with a smile. The fun part of knitting black socks is complaining about it. Love you. :-)

I want to knit these socks or I'd take the "out" you so kindly offered when you remembered I said I was never going to knit black socks again.

Pattern: Basic cuff down sock pattern on 56 stitches. k3p1 ribbing on cuff and instep.

Yarn: Panda Soy. 49% Bamboo, 33% Soy, 18% Elastic Nylon.

Color: 3202, Jet Black.

Needles: Options #1, 2.5mm

Gauge: 8 stitches/inch, 10 rows/inch

Just because this post needs some color.


  1. They will be oh so comfy and since they are knitted with love will wonderful to wear. Love the photo of the Cardinal.

  2. Black socks......oh you are a glutton for
    they do look amazing however!
    The cardinals are making their yearly nest in my yews.

  3. You are a brave woman to tackle black, splitty yarn. I get cross-eyed just thinking about it.

  4. You're a better man than I am! One of the reasons I hesitate to offer to make hubby socks is because I know he will request black ones. I'll just choose to show my love in other ways.

  5. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Black is beautiful, although I know it is difficult to see. They will be much appreciated by Carrie.

    Funny, I started the same stitch pattern using my handspun. Mine are a variegated color and much easier to see - vbg.

  6. Carrie12:30 PM

    Well, they look BEAUTIFUL and they'll be especially well-loved because I know they were a pain to knit! Thank you so much.

  7. Dark colors are tough; I agree! Love that cardinal.

  8. ...a better woman than I!
    And I know the end product will be wonderful.

  9. Marguerite, I know you have knit with several Knit Picks' yarns and I am wondering if you have knit with the "Wool of the Andes". My question is, do you or any of your readers know if it pills? I am thinking of using it to embark on a substantial garment, and certainly don't want any obvious pilling with such an undertaking! Thanks, always love your posts...the birds are slow to return here in Western Canada as we don't seem to be able to let go of the (*&&^%^ winter!!!


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