Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for February 1

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY February 1, 2011...

Outside my window...

The birds are eating and perching in nearby bushes and trees.

I am thinking...
Of the Merry Minuet sung by the Kingston Trio 50 years ago.

It starts out "They're rioting in Africa, la la lala la la la. . ." and ends "What nature doesn't do to us will be done by our fellow man." Not much has changed in 50 years. How sad.

I am thankful for...
Being retired.

During my working years it was a matter of pride and work ethic to always get to work on time when the roads were bad in the winter. During those white-knuckle, treacherous drives I told myself that when I retired I would act like a helpless little old lady and stay home when the roads were bad. Now I enjoy doing just that.

From the kitchen...
Getting ready to make some corn and potato chowder.

I am wearing...
This morning I wore jeans and a heavy wool Aran sweater, FLAK, to Bible study with handknit wool socks and boots.

Right now I'm wearing jeans, a waffle weave insulated underwear shirt covered by a heavy gray sweatshirt.

I am creating...
Pointelle socks from Cookie A's new book Knit.Socks.Love. They're going slow because I keep getting sidetracked by other knitting that's not as intense.

I am going...
Nowhere. We are expecting the blizzard to hit early this evening and leave us with up to eighteen inches of snow on top of the six inches we have now.

I am reading...
Just finished Burn by Nevada Barr. It was a disturbing story about two young girls who got kidnapped for child prostitution. I almost didn't finish it. Not recommended if you're reading for pleasure and/or relaxation.

I am hoping...
I hope Anna Pigeon, Nevada Barr's park ranger heroine, gets back outdoors in a national park for the next book in the series.

I am hearing...
The wind blow as the storm moves in.

Around the house...

Outdoors there's about six inches of pre-blizzard snow. Glory thinks it's just right for making doggy snow angels.

One of my favorite things...

I love seeing the little auburn Marsh Wrens come to the feeders in the winter time. They never come in nice weather, but in winter they eat everything we offer: Sunflower seed, peanuts, nyjer seed, and suet.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Staying indoors and warm until the storm ends and it's time to shovel out. We're well stocked with dog food, bird food, and people food.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Marsh Wren mid-flight.


  1. Oh cardinals! I'm jealous! We don't get them here in ND...I've always wished we did. They are so pretty. We do get blue jays though...almost as good. :)

    Here's hoping the blizzard doesn't turn out as bad for you as forecast...

  2. The picture of those cardinals is beautiful. We don't have cardinals in BC, and I am always jealous of those of you that do.

    Isn't that FLAK sweater great? I wore mine yesterday and it kept me toasty warm. That sweater was my first ever experience knitting cables.

  3. I love looking at your bird pictures, and of course, your socks. I was going to grab my camera today when I looked out and saw 3 cardinals in our Southern Magnolia. They are so beautiful against all the blahhhh winter colors.
    Love the snow angel!
    Sheri in GA

  4. Love those bird photos, especially the cardinals. Stay warm!

  5. I just love the action shot of the wren! I look forward to hearing your opinion of the KnitPicks Stroll too. If it passes muster, I will probably have to stock up.

  6. Doggie snow angels are the BEST! Reminds me of my dear departed Huck. I think the snow felt like a back scratch does to us.. he just coudlnt roll around on his back in it enough!


    Fireman and nurse daughter both had to work the blizzard last night. AL, the nurse is still hyped up this morning from the event. Lots of evening RN's slept in rooms b/c they tried to get home and had to turn around and come back to the ER> Fireman needed snow plows to come and clear the roads and lots for them.

  7. I love the picture of Glory rolling in the snow! I'm glad there's at least one creature who's happy with it. As always, jealous of your cardinals, but I did see six bald eagles the other day!

  8. the cardinals are beautiful!!

  9. I love the photo of the cardinals. We don't have them in Colorado:( They're just the prettiest birds.

    I don't miss having to scrape my car to get to work on mornings like this! We don't have a lot of snow, but lots of ice.

  10. Now does my email show up or am I still anonymous M?

  11. Truffles (our black dog who looks like Glory) loves to go out and roll.

    I love it when she's doing it in snow - by now her fur is SO clean. But not so much when she's rolling in our sandy lawn!

    That wren shot is awesome. Perfect little feathers.

  12. Fantastic picture! I miss cardinals, though not enough to trade for snow.

  13. Thanks for heads up on Nevada Barr book. I read for enjoyment and relaxation and will give this one a miss.

  14. The cardinals look like decorations on the trees. How sweet!


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