Monday, February 21, 2011

February 21 Weather Report

We caught the edge of an ice storm last night.

The power went off and on several times in the night but we were spared an extended outage like many people East of us are suffering. Last I heard restoration was going to take until Thursday evening for some. It's Monday afternoon. That's a long time to be without power in the winter.

Right now it just started to snow. Heavy snow on top of the ice is going to bring down more branches, trees, and power lines. Especially if the wind picks up.

Temperatures are dropping today, not rising. Forget melting until Wednesday at the earliest.

It's a great day to be retired and snuggled in at home. I plan to knit if the power stays on, read if the power goes off, and work in a nap whatever happens. Unless a tree falls on the house.


  1. AHHHHH! THe end of that post sounded like a line from the wizard of oz :Be gone , before someone drops a house on you! One of my favorite lines Glenda says to the Wicked Witch!

    Happy retirement knitting, napping. SO good that you can stay safely and contentedly inside...It drives some people nuts. I Love staying in too!

  2. Another perfect scene: Cardinal showing off in the snow! Thanks.

  3. Such pretty pictures!

  4. One of the great benefits of retirement - you can stay home! Here's hoping your power stays on.

  5. Stay warm, and thanks for the book title....I just ordered it.

  6. We got nearly half an inch of ice, but luckily kept our power. Neither DH nor I had to work because of the holiday - that was lucky, too!


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