Friday, January 14, 2011

Scarf and Snow

Granddaughter Sydney's scarf is done.

I also finished a pair of socks for her in this yarn and decided they were too ugly to send, so I'm in the process of knitting a different pair. The problem? It's this yarn. I'm having an impossible time getting even stitches for some reason, and the color bands are way too long for socks. One of the socks was all purple, and the other sock turned to blue on the foot. I thought it would be OK, but on second thought I could just imagine a five year old declaring she wasn't going to wear those socks that didn't match.

I dislike this yarn very much. The wide color bands are impossible, it's fuzzy, grabby wool, and there are tiny little knots occurring frequently on just one of the three plies. As I mentioned above, I'm having a problem getting uniform stitches. I'm not sure why this is, but I'm blaming it on the yarn.

The yarn is better suited for a scarf than socks, and I like the way the scarf turned out. It's long enough to handle the long color repeats and it's going to be soft after I rinse it in some hair conditioner.

Pattern: One-Row Scarf by the Yarn Harlot.

Yarn: JojoLand Melody superwash wool, fingering weight. Using two strands held together.

Color: MS28, purple

Needles: US #7.

According to the weather forecast I listened to, there was not supposed to be snow yesterday until evening. When I woke up to two inches on my car (there was already six inches on the ground), I didn't think much about it, cleaned the car off, and took Pappy to his doggy dental appointment.

Dogs get drugged for teeth cleaning, and he needed an extraction so he got drugged even deeper. They told me I could pick him up about four, but the snow kept coming down all day, sometimes heavy, and I was concerned about not being able to get out of the driveway if the snowplow went by and piled road snow at the end of it.

How awful would that be? To have my dog stranded all night at the vet's instead of in my tender loving care?

About two pm I finally panicked and called to ask if I could pick him up early. Sure, they said, as long as I didn't care if he was groggy. He's only fifteen pounds and easy to carry, so off I went hardly able to see out the car window.

Pappy and I got home about an hour later and it stopped snowing almost immediately.

It didn't matter if he was still semi-drugged. Pappy was more comfortable sleeping it off at home and I was more comfortable having all the family back together again.


  1. I don't blame you, I would have done the same thing. Glad you made it to the vet and back safe and sound. And I'm glad Pappy got to sleep in his own bed. Nothing better!
    Sheri in GA

  2. Jan D.8:43 PM

    I tried that yarn once and disliked it very much for the very same reasons. I have not given it a second chance.

  3. I have some of that yarn in my stash too. I started some socks and then frogged them because I didn't like it. I agree that it will be better suited to something besides socks.

    I'm the same way about my dogs at the vet. I would much rather have them recover at home if possible. Cooper had to have an overnight stay after his rock eating incident and it just about killed me to have to leave him there.

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I am very glad you were able to pick Pappy up and get home safely. I would have felt the same as you.

    Your snow looks like our ice but we don't have snowplows in neighborhoods. We just experienced one of the worst storms in a decade but finally the temperature has warmed enough to melt enough ice for us to be able to get out again.

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Glad you got your dog home!

    My experience with the Melody Superwash, as socks, was that it gradually felted and shrank just enough to be slightly uncomfortable. No more socks from it for me, anyway!

  6. I can so relate! I don't think I'd have bothered to call. I would have grabbed my knitting and gone to the vets regardless. If they wouldn't let me bring my furboy home early, I'd just sit in the waiting room with my knitting until I could. Give Pappy a kiss from me.

    That scarf is beautiful, but then I'm biased. I love purple-as you know. ;-)

  7. I would have gone and got my doggy too. He belongs at home, warm and happy. Good to know about the yarn. It looks so pretty on the skein, but I will probably avoid it and just ogle it at the yarn shop.

  8. Glad you and Pappy are fine! Snow does create some anxiety with driving here too even though the plows do a great job.

    Thanks for the heads up on that yarn. I can see how it wouldnt suit socks. THe scarf is really lovely though

  9. M: I looked at the scarf pattern and yours is much more ribbed than the image she puts on her page with the pattern>??????? Would I see her pattern in a closeup??? It looks very different to me...


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