Monday, December 06, 2010

Snow, Squirrel, Socks, and Snow

It finally happened. The nice weather ended and the excessive Lake Effect Snow we've been promised has begun.

Lake Michigan is warmer than usual this year and that has supersized the Lake Effect Snow we're getting.

Even 20 miles east of us (and 20 miles further inland from Lake Michigan), they're having much less snow and they even had some sunshine today. Not here.

Sunday I drove to church on slippery roads. When I left home, I told DH I would be careful and drive so slow the people behind me would hate me. I did drive slow, but no one hated me. They didn't want to drive any faster either.

On the way home I drove through two different whiteouts and it was so slippery my car would hardly steer. Corners were taken at about 5 mph. At least I had enough sense to stay off the interstate where they had the same problems and less control of their vehicles. Six miles south of home on I-94 was a 25 car pileup and there were several other interstate chain pileups reported.

The weather forecast is for this to go on and on for at least another week and pretty much for the rest of the month and into January until the lake cools off. After that we'll just get "normal" Lake Effect Snow.

I've been shoveling snow and I'm tired and weather stressed, so I've been knitting on simple socks. These are for me to wear in my boots and around the house to keep my feet warm. Plus, I wanted to use up this yarn.

Pattern: Basic cuff down sock pattern on 60 stitches. k3p1 ribbing on cuff and instep.

Yarn: Trekking 172.

Needles: Options #1, 2.5mm

Gauge: 8 stitches/inch, 10 rows/inch


  1. I don't suppose it would do to just urge you to stay home for the next two months! Stay warm and safe.

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The snow is beautiful but I know it can be treacherous on the roads. Maybe Dorothy is correct in urging you to stay home.(vbg)

    Love your new blog header.

  3. Knitting is a great way to de-stress from all that snow!

  4. I'm glad you made it home safely. I hate driving in conditions like that, especially on our mountain passes. I love the picture in your blog header. Did you take it?

  5. I think of you every time Bill Steffen shows the weather map.

    In the south west corner of Kent County? Just a flurry or two here and there. Mostly there. Not much here.

    But I'm hunkering down for the winter any way.

    Beautiful header! I'm imagining you posing the deer.

  6. This is when a stash comes in handy!

  7. Glad you are safe!!!! The roads can be so tricky so FAST. Love that you are making socks for YOU!

  8. Such pretty deer at the top of the blog today. Love your photos!

  9. I really love the new header! Your deer are beautiful!

    I see your snow and know that it won't be long before it hits my area. I am, however, trying to be in complete denial of the fact!

  10. Had to read this post because of the title. Blog and socks look good. Be careful and stay warm.

  11. Love your new header and the trekking yarn! That doesn't look like a grey squirrel; is it?


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