Saturday, October 02, 2010

Why We Can Never Return to Mason Michigan and Birthday Socks

Happy Birthday Bob!!

Many many years ago a cute brown eyed baby boy was born in Mason, Michigan. His family moved to Battle Creek and Mason was forgotten until 32 years later when he married a woman who was living at Michigan State University in Lansing. Me.

We went to the Ingham County County Courthouse for our marriage license. The Ingham County County Courthouse is in - - - Mason, Michigan, population ~ 5,000. We got lost going and returning, but it was a pretty drive.

Anyone familiar with the song The Three Bells? It starts out with the first ringing of the bells when little Jimmy Brown is born "in a village hidden deep in the valley", followed by the second ringing of the bells when Jimmy Brown is married, followed by the third ringing of the bells when Jimmy Brown dies.

That is the song that popped onto our lips during our Bob's second visit to Mason, Michigan. We agreed there would never be a third visit.

Of course, there are birthday socks.

Bob likes his socks thick and heavy. He wears them like slippers walking around the house, so I knit them with Opal, the most indestructible sock yarn I've ever encountered.

This pair (above) is Opal 6 ply in one of the Rainforest colorways knit along with a strand of Slackford Studio Stalwart Sock in Dorothy's destiny, a bright Kelly green.

This is also a 6 ply Opal Rainforest colorway knit along with a strand of Slackford Studio Stalwart Sock in Steelyarn Blue.

The combined yarn created a heavy worsted weight. Both pair were knit with #5 needles on 48 stitches in a basic k3p1 rib.


  1. Nice color choices for the carry-along yarn...they tone down the Opal patterning, and actually enhance the colorway overall. Wear in good health and happy birthday, Bob!

  2. Great socks! I'll bet he was pleased. Sedum is great, isn't it? There are so many pretty ones.

  3. Happy Birthday Bob and Happy Sock wearing. Glad to hear you won't be going back to Mason, like "Little Jimmy Brown." My Mom used to play that song on the organ all the time (and I sang it!)
    Sheri in GA

  4. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Happy birthday Bob! Enjoy your nice warm socks. I remember that song too and I am glad you are not going back to Mason.

  5. It's a morning for warm socks here! I took a walk Friday, and we have had some frost already, according to the wild grape vines.

  6. Nice socks!! They look soo comfy!

  7. I remember that song well. The socks are great - I still haven't knitted hubby socks. I'm afraid of two things - that he'll like them and keep wanting more or that he won't and will only wear them once. LOL! I guess I can't win. He's also very, very hard on his socks.

  8. Those are most wondrous socks :) Happy birthday, Bob, and may your feet be always warm!
    The frost this morning was lovely, wasn't it? Our 4-year-old grandson spent the night here, and when he looked out the window this morning he said, "Grandma! It snowed!" =)

  9. Hi, it's been a long time since I've visited your blog and I'm working my way backwards reading posts. Little Jimmy Brown was my Daddy's favorite song..when he passed in 2000 it was played at his funeral per his instructions...there wasn't a dry eye in the house. He was a really special guy and I'm happy for the opportunity to think of him, today. Thanks.


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