Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday Wings - Roadside Turkey, Tufted Titmouse, and Goldfinch

On the way to the grocery store this afternoon I had to stop the car for a flock of wild turkeys in the road.

By the time I got the camera out and turned on, they were out of sight except for this straggler.

There are so many different, delicious seeds and berries in the woods and fields right now that the feeder isn't a very popular place.

This cute Tufted Titmouse is happy to get a fast food lunch. It's so much easier than harvesting his own food.

The Goldfinches have their winter coloring now.

They've been ignoring the Niger/thistle feeder for the sunflower seeds on the platform.


  1. The turkey looked quite tall and lean, I did run across a flock of wild turkeys in California and they were much shorter and very alert. I so love your bird photos.

  2. I've only seen wild turkeys once in Oregon, not here. And you see more of our state bird than we do! LOL


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