Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In a Perfect World . . .

. . . once someone has mailed in their absentee ballot, that someone should never have to hear or see another political ad and all political phonecalls should be blocked.


  1. That's the best idea I've heard so far this week! I am very tired of dinnertime phone calls.....

  2. Linda in Alameda, CA10:51 PM

    I totally agree!

  3. A hearty AMEN to that! Thank heavens for caller ID, so I can at least avoid answering those phone calls.

  4. Do we have a candidate in favor of this?

  5. If you find that place, please send me the real estate listings!

  6. At least you live in the USA, where the election is taking place. Imagine my confusion when twice in the last week I have received US political phone calls at my home here in Canada!

  7. To kristieinbc: We feel your pain!

  8. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I thought political robocalls at 6:00 PM were annoying. Turns out it's nothing compared to the robocalls in Nevada at 1:00 AM from Arizona resident Sandra Day O'Connor trying to influence the way Nevadans choose their judges.

  9. Joyce9:29 AM

    I think once you've made up your mind (even if it's just in your head) you shouldn't have to hear any more ads...


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