Monday, October 04, 2010

Early Morning Frost

After the hottest summer on record in SW Michigan we've had frost on the ground the last two mornings.

I took these pictures while out for an eight am dogwalk.

While walking through the back yard, we looked at the neighbor's horse pasture.

After crossing the creek into the back three acres, we looked again to the west for more white.

The goldenrod has gone to seed and this morning the seeds were all covered with frost.


  1. Carrie5:37 PM

    Lovely photos, Marg!

  2. I hadn't checked your blog for a few days. I've been busy+lazy and you weren't updating every day so I thought "no problem". But I pop in today and discover you may post daily in October IF the mood holds. Hooray!! I was thrilled to see the fall photos and the great looking socks. I always enjoy your posts.

  3. Yikes! I'm not ready for this! How cold was it?

  4. How beautiful, the frost is so serene looking (we rarely get frost around where I live, just a touch of it now and again).

  5. Beautiful pictures! I am anxiously awaiting our first frost here in our corner of BC. I can think of no other cure for our overabundance of tomatoes!

  6. You have frost?!?! OMG!!! I'm happy that we are in the 60s in the AM and that we are staying in the 80s for the heat of the day. Wow we do live in different parts of the US huh?? LOL


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