Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Heaven for Dogs?

A few weeks ago our local paper ran an feature article asking if our pets go to heaven. For those of us who love our dogs, this is an important question and I clipped out a few of my favorite answers to share.

Billy Graham said . . .
God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he'll be there.

Do animals have spirits that live on after death like humans do? I think so, yes. Jesus came to redeem the entire world - and that, in my mind, means everybody and everything. So why not the four-legged creations sent as our companions?

Martin Luther said . . .
Be thou comforted little dog. Thou too in resurrection shall have a little golden tail.

John Wesley, the 18th century Anglican cleric who was co-founder of Methodism, believed . . .
in the general resurrection and that animals would be resurrected and would be sentient beings and that they would be able to reason and relate.

I'm glad I'm Wesleyan, not Lutheran. There's going to be lots of tail wagging to great me in heaven and I prefer fur tails to golden tails.


  1. That is a comforting thought. Dogs are such wonderful companions who bring much joy into my life. It was good to see the baby blue birds that survived.

  2. Madeleine L'Engle, that wonderful poet/writer, said it wasn't the animals that got kicked out of the Garden.

    I enjoy all your bird pictures, especially the blue birds. None of the eggs in our box hatched. Don't have a clue why not, but we're very disappointed.

  3. I can't imagine a heaven without dogs. I sincerely hope that all my dear departed friends are there to meet me.

  4. Oh my goodness! What a reunion I'm going to have!!!! I do believe I'll be thinking about your post for quite some time. Thanks.

  5. Fun post! There are two cute children's books on this topicd by Cynthia Rylant called Dog Heaven and Cat Heaven; have you seen them?

  6. I love this post. Thank you for bringing such comfort to light for me.

  7. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Marjorie--you have been quiet so long I am worried. Is everything okay there? I do love your blog and look forward to reading everyday, so a long silence concerns me. Love and very best wishes and prayers for you and your family in whatever circumstances you are in...I hope good ones :)

    debbie in WA

  8. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I just wished to say how much I've been enjoying your blog. If my dogs aren't in heaven,I'm not going!



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