Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summertime Blues

I keep looking for reader comments and haven't been getting any. Is that because I haven't posted in eight days?

It's the middle of an exceptionally hot summer here in SW Michigan. Day after day of temps in the 90s with high humidity, occasionally just enough rain to make steam, and a bumper crop of mosquitoes.

I haven't been knitting. The dogs and I take short walks without the camera. They're sweat and swat walks.

The hostas are chewed. These former beauties are/were three feet from the house.

The deer know they can outrun anything that lives here, so they're not shy about walking up to the porch for the good stuff.

On a happier blue note, a bluebird couple decided it's not too hot for some bluebird love.

They needed a nest in a hurry so they built a dainty grass bluebird nest over the top of a partial wren stick nest.

The second half of July is extremely late in the summer for a bluebird nesting. I'm hoping the eggs don't cook before they hatch.

I walked out without the dogs this morning so I could sweat and swat and snap a picture.

Daddy bluebird obliged by posing on nearby mullein while mom bluebird lay the second egg.


  1. I cut back on my computer/blog reading/posting time, and since I've been checking in more regularly again (reading, not writing), I've noticed a lot of blogs I used to read have dropped out of sight. Many have abandoned their blogs altogether, and some just for the summer (I hope). It used to take me hours to go through my blog reading list (thus my need to cut back!), whereas now, I can do it in under an hour. I hope it's not the wave of the future. :-o

    I do read yours (and others) regularly in my google reader, I just don't often take time to post. I realize a blogger needs responses to know if anyone's out there reading or not, though.

    I always enjoy your outdoor pictures!

  2. Hi,
    I do love our northwest summer weather, but I won't brag with details.

    I have been on vacation, starting July 15 until August 2. So far, vacation is has been restful, relaxing at home, my goal of the time off. Working a bit on the chore list, but not very hard.

    I do have a sock, ready to kitchner, then I will photograph and put on my blog and ravelry.

    The deer ate my hosta, last year, not yet, this year. The rose is same, too and even have a patch a pansies without slugs, too.

    See you, here in blogland

  3. PS. meant the rose is safe, so far, too from the deer.

  4. I'm a faithful reader and do so enjoy your blog, seeing all the birds and dogs and especially all the knitting projects. Sorry that I am not more faithful to comment.

  5. We haven't had much sweat but we have a LOT of swat! There has been record rainfall in the prairies this summer. It has caused much grief for the farmers and the poor people who have been flooded out of their homes. I guess we're fortunate that we haven't had too many problems because of it except for the ridiculous number of mosquitoes.

  6. It's been hot here in SE MI as well. I've been weeding and smacking bugs in the mornings and sewing in the hottest part of the day. I fled to cooler climes for a week (went camping in da Yoop). We have a bluebird pair nesting in the box on the deck rail, inside the rose. The birdhouse is so full that there are nesty bits falling out of the hole, and I don't want to brave the rose to peer inside.

  7. I love your blog, and check it faithfully every day...one of only 3-4 that I look forward to keep up with. it's like a little breath of fresh air. I was worried when I saw no postings in a week, and am relieved that you are okay. Even blog readers can worry! (But no pressure, summer is for kicking back and letting things go...)

  8. I think people are in their summer-blog-surfing breaks. I posted for the first time in weeks the other day, and only then realized that I only took one picture while I was with my parents last week, silly!

    Also I decided to surf in Google Reader which makes me less likely to comment (don't really know why). But we are still here!

    My dog and I are having 10 days on our own (no husband, no kids) and she is sleeping a lot in the heat.

  9. I'm still here. Sweating and swatting away in Michigan.

  10. I almost emailed you to see if everything was ok, but then realized that I've been going that long without posting this summer too! Can't believe it's been so busy. Come visit us in the Pacific Northwest. We've actually been having a cooler than average summer. A couple of hot days, but most days we've been doing good to break 70!!

  11. Deer and bunnies, so cute and so destructive! Love that bluebird photo; we don't have them here, and I wish we did. But then our yard seems to attract just the common varieties..... No skeeters though.

  12. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I wish I could recall exactly how I discovered your blog but the old memory just isn't what it used to be. However I did want to let you know that I love your blog - the dogs, nature, knitting and family. You've found a perfect balance. I've been working my way through your archives for a couple of months now. This is the first blog I've ever commented one. Hope it was helpful...kc.

  13. Hi there! I admit that I've tried to cut back on computer time. But I still try to read your blog regularly. Perhaps I have just not been as chatty with my comments. If so - sorry! Summer is a tough time trying to get everything into the same 24 hours as a winter day. Our summer has been miserable weather-wise also. We have had nothing but rain....our garden is a waste this year. We usually eat our own potatoes all year long - and this year I don't think we will get a single one! They are just rotting in all the mud. So sad, plus lots of early spring work all wasted! I find myself wanting fall to come, but then I remember last winter!!! Geeezzzz.....

  14. The dew point is over 70 F again this morning. Thank goodness for the window AC.

    It's hard to take pictures when you're smacking mosquitoes!

  15. I've just been to washed out to do much anything but stay in an air-conditioned room.

  16. Carrie9:12 AM

    Beautiful bluebird photo!

  17. While you are sweating, we are shivering through the winter here. Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  18. I check EVERY day to see if you have posted. I worry about your DH and his health issues. Hope you take care of YOU too! and of course the canines...

  19. I check in on your blog to see what's new on the knitting front or to look at the wildlife (including the puppies). Hope all is well. Keep cool! We are watching the tropical system in the Gulf of Mexico today. Like we need something more than just the oil spill. Have a great Saturday.

  20. Diane8:24 AM

    Hot and oppresive here and at my age it just drains all the life out of me. I am knitting on a pair of socks to keep up with my goal of 1 pair a month.

    We also had no internet for a week. They couldn't schedule a repairman for a week, but after four new modems, we're finally up and running.

    The Orioles have left but our "naked ladies" are blooming.

    Take care and know that we are out here checking on you.


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