Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook for July 6

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY July 6, 2010...

Outside my window...

The milkweed are blooming. Their sweet scent is pleasantly strong.

I am thinking...

How interesting that the only dog of our three who likes to lay in the sun and bake herself was named Sunshine before we knew this about her.

I am thankful for...
Dr. Mark Swank, our new Senior Pastor at Lighthouse Community Church. We've been a year without one.

From the kitchen...
Not much. We've eating cold things because it's too hot to cook.

I am wearing...
Denim shorts and a sleeveless apple green tank top. It's very hot today and we don't have air conditioning.

I am creating...

Sleeve 1 of 4. But not today. It's too hot to knit anything so I've been sitting in front of a fan eating sherbet and reading.

I am reading...
The first two Inspector Morse mysteries by Colin Dexter, "Last Seen Wearing" and "Last Bus to Woodstock".

They were picked randomly from the library stacks. They're very English and a challenge to my vocabulary. For example on page 3 of the first book I read, "Kilroy, inevitably, had visited this shrine in the course of his infinite peregrinations . . .". I had to look up peregrination: To journey or travel from place to place, especially on foot.

The books were entertaining but didn't leave me with the urgent desire to find more of them. Inspector Morse seemed to be always jumping to wrong conclusions which he explained in great detail just before having his solution disproved by some piece of evidence he should have discovered before the jump. After two books of this, I found it tiresome.

Tomorrow I'm picking up the first Anne George Southern Sisters Mystery expecting it to be lighter reading more appropriate for easy summer relaxation.

I am hoping...
It cools off soon. The last four days have been in the 90s which is too hot to do anything active. That's OK for a day or two, but we've had enough now.

I am hearing...

Around the house...
The dog hair is piling up because it's too hot to vacuum in comfort and it's not piled high enough for me to to vacuum in discomfort.

One of my favorite things...

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Today I had lunch with a good friend of many years. Tomorrow is grocery store/errand/library day. Thursday is DH Bob's blood draw. Friday is a movie and snack with my Sisterhood group at the Portage Senior Center. I may skip depending on the movie. I've heard it's going to be Three Stooges which I totally dislike. Saturday is lunch with another good friend of many years.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

If we were all as smart as Glory, we wouldn't be so hot.


  1. I just started rereading the Southern Sisters series and am loving them all over again. Still cool here, but it's supposed to be getting hot later in the week. Of course, for us hot is 80 degrees, but it always cools off in the evening.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry you did not enjoy Morse and Colin Dexter. He has a good following but as a British person I can understand that the world of Morse and Oxford are a bit obscure. The books and the TV series, available on DVD as well, are incredibly successful. The TV series concentrates well on the visual scenes of Oxford and has intriguing clues with the music (like crossword puzzles) And yes it is a very British thing in detective fiction for detectives to get things wrong, miss clues, jump to wrong conclusions but there is usually a fine finish and round up. As an interesting fact the BBC in the UK has recently screened the Swedish series of Wallander by Henning Mankell based on his numerous books http://www.henningmankell.com/Books/Wallander
    He is also a detective who gets things wrong and pursues odd clues and again this has been very popular with us Brits!
    I reposted this comment as I and my computer messed up the last sentence on first posting!

  4. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Oh my, 90 degrees without air conditioning would be pure punishment! We are back in the high 90's this week too. I can't wait for Fall! Trying to knit a cardigan, even in A/C, has been extremely slow.

  5. That sleeve is coming along just great! Thanks for the milkweed photos. Haven't seen that plant for years as it doesn't grow here...no monarchs either sadly. Have you read the Mrs. Polifax mysteries....they're fun!

  6. Yes, our backyard has lots of milkweed and I love the scent!


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