Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mom's Birthday

Yesterday was Mom's birthday. When I picked her up to celebrate with a lovely lunch at Bravo, she showed off her new Opal necklace made by Brother Dave who does gorgeous lapidary work in addition to making the world's best trumpets.

Now that I'm home and blogging I'm sorry I didn't try to get a better picture of the colors in the opal although I'm not sure I could capture their beauty. They are amazing.

Mom also got some hand knit socks.

Sock details here.

It's notable now that her children are in their senior years, we're back to giving Mom handmade gifts.

I also gave her a five book set of Honey Driver mysteries by J.G. Goodhind.

Sock details here.

These socks will make eyes pop out at Mom's exercise class.

Sock details here.

Lunch was completed with a birthday baked Alaska. It was flaming when presented.

We shared. It was yummy.


  1. I love opals! But it can be so hard to capture their iridescence.

    Nothing quite says "I love you" like something you made!

  2. Happy Birthday Mom! She looks so lovely and so pleased with her birthday socks. That baked Alaska looks yummy - glad she was willing to share.

  3. Sherilan11:41 PM

    I just placed a reserve on a Honey Driver mystery at the library - needed something to read :0) Can't beat the combination of jewelry, socks, and some good reading for birthday gifts. Happy Birthday to your Mom!

  4. Happy Birthday to your mum. Opals are indeed beautiful and that dessert looks wonderful.

  5. Happy birthday to your mom!! Hand knit socks are the best and your comment-"It's notable now that her children are in their senior years, we're back to giving Mom handmade gifts." made me laugh;) So true. Your mom looks great, it is fabulous that she takes an exercise class, go mom!

  6. I hope your Mother had a wonderful birthday! Happy Birthday to her! The socks are gorgeous along with the opal necklace. So glad she is active both in mind and body. Yummo -- baked Alaska! Have not had that in years. What a treat for your Mom.

  7. LOL you said Opal Necklace and I immediately thought of Opal Yarn...and then I read further. I must have a one track mind....the necklace and socks are fabulous...lucky lady

  8. She truly has the most beautiful smile!! Happy (belated) birthday!

    She must be so proud - to have TWO such talented children!!

  9. What a wonderful birthday tribute to your mom. We are so lucky to have our moms. The socks are wonderful. I remember when you started the pinks. Her necklace is lovely. Wish her a great year from me!

  10. The necklace is gorgeous, as are the socks. I know there was some question about how the Felici would wear. I have a pair that I knit a couple of years ago and I love them. Their only fault are the short row heels that are a little on the holey side, but ya sure can't blame that on the yarn! It was my first attempt at short row heels. The yarn is still soft with no wear holes at all.

  11. Jewelry, 3 pairs of handknit socks, and 5 mysteries...who could ask for more? What a lucky mom! (She sure has pretty blue eyes!) And I need to check out that mystery series......

  12. Carrie8:38 AM

    Beautiful pictures! Thanks, Marg

  13. It is such fun to give back. My Mother knitted for the four of us until her eye gave out. Now at every event she requests hand knit items.
    BTW, the necklace is beautiful.


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