Saturday, June 26, 2010

Chat Back for June 26

Answering questions from comments and email.

Nobody asked . . .
why I've been posting less often, but I'm going to answer anyway.

It's pretty difficult to keep a knitting blog going when I haven't been knitting much lately.

When I do knit it's on one of the two sweaters I'm working on and progress isn't very interesting. They are, however, pleasant projects and I'm enjoying working on both of them when I do pick them up and knit a few rows.

Shirley asked . . .
Great job on your very first crochet project! Could an afghan be in the works soon?

Not soon, but maybe someday.

My stitches are still uneven and I've yet to purchase and use a decent hook, so I don't think I'm afghan ready yet.

Sherilan asked . . .
Have you read the Southern Sisters mysteries by Anne George?

No, but thanks to your suggestion I have reserved the first in the series at the library.

I see it has 5 out of 5 stars. I can hardly wait.

Kathy wrote . . .
She must be so proud - to have TWO such talented children!!

Can't let this pass without mentioning Mom has four children, and the two who didn't supply hand made birthday gifts are also very talented.

Middle daughter Doris has a PhD in Business Administration/Accounting. I can't remember the exact subject and I can't begin to understand the area she specialized in. (Doris, if you're reading this please forgive me and leave a comment to make things accurate.)

Youngest daughter Carrie is a pianist. The following brief bio is from the University of North Carolina Music Library website, so I'm confident it's accurate:
  • Carrie supervises all the operations of the Music Library Sunday through Thursday evenings. As acquisitions assistant, she handles the orders for all scores, CDs and DVDs. Carrie earned a B.Mus from Western Michigan University, an M.A. in Musicology from UNC-Chapel Hill and has done extensive work in piano/fortepiano performance at UNC and Duke University.


  1. I really miss the Anne George Southern Sisters mysteries. I plowed through them in a very short time! Enjoy!

  2. I've read every one of the Southern Sisters series and highly recommend them. So sorry that author has passed away and there will be no more.

  3. Oh, another mystery series to check out, thanks! Right now I'm reading my way through Mrs. Polifax's adventures with the CIA. BTW I like your nature pictures as well as the knitting.....

  4. I loved the Southern Sisters. Adored them. Even crochet sts come with practice. You'll be amazed at how fast it is once you get going!

    Lillian Jackson Braun's The Cat Who are fun, too.

    I'm listening to the Undead and Unwed series. Great summer listening.

  5. Carrie9:44 AM

    Wow, thanks for the kind words -- I thought no one ever read that bio...


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