Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook for May 4

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY May 4, 2010...

Outside my window...

The trees are green once again and the food is out waiting the arrival of the sugar loving birds, the orioles and hummingbirds, due to arrive any day now.

I am thinking... I'm very excited for Kalamazoo Central High School for the honor they won today - President Obama as commencement speaker!!

From the Whitehouse website:
We received over 1,000 applications that were narrowed down by the White House Domestic Policy Council and Department of Education to six high school finalists. Between April 26th and April 29th, over 170,000 people weighed in on short videos and essay from the six finalists. President Obama selected the national winner from the three high schools with the highest average ratings.

I am thankful for...
The phonecall we got yesterday with a date for Bob's cardiac catheter ablation and that the date doesn't prevent me attending Granddaughter Kimmy's choir concert.

From the kitchen...
Bob made BBQ ribs that we've been enjoying with some potato salad.

I am wearing... jean shorts and a blue tee. Just got out of the shower after mowing the lawn, a dusty job because everything is dry.

I am creating...
Working on the sleeves for Spout. They're done in reverse stockinette and I don't like the way the sleeve cap decreases are looking. Planning to frog and try something else. If that doesn't work, I may knit them top down Barbara Walker style. I'm a bit frustrated but figure I'm learning something. Just not sure what.

I am reading...
Just finished listening to eight Aurora Teagarden mysteries by Charlaine Harris. Very enjoyable. I was sad when the last one was finished.

I am hoping... for some rain. But no flooding please.

It was a very dry April here.

This turtle is sitting on a little mud island in a place where the pond water is normally eight to twelve inches deep.

I am hearing... the baseball game Bob has on the radio.

They just announced that retired Tiger announcer Ernie Harwell died. Not unexpected, but sad. He will be missed.

Around the house...
The blackflies are at their peak.

The dogs are getting bitten so I've been trying to keep them in as much as possible.

Sunny gets it the worst because she has thin fur and a bare belly. Pappy has thick fur and a furry belly. He gets bit on his one remaining private part.

Both little dogs are eager to roll over belly up and let me powder them up with Neo Predef. It's almost instant relief for them. Glory doesn't want any part of my nursing.

One of my favorite things...

The phoebes. For nineteen years they've returned to build a nest on the side porch.

This is the female perched on an old milkweed stalk ready to dart out and catch an insect.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Wednesday is grocery shopping, library, and taking DH Bob for a bloodtest. Friday Bob has a internist appointment. Saturday is Louise Lunch to celebrate Mother's Day, daughter Heather's birthday, and four generations of women with the middle name Louise.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...



  1. I'm glad to hear that Bob is getting treatment. Having just gone through a bit of the worry with Dan's arrhythmia, I know that repeated episodes of it would be unwelcome.

    Your pictures look so summery. Our forecast is for snow tonight and tomorrow. Sigh.

  2. Sherilan3:14 PM

    Thanks for the reading recommendation. I just ran out of something to read and for some reason had not read those, although I read her Shakespeare series.

  3. Black flies - poor pups, hopefully the birds will fill up on them. I so love your photos (I know that I'm repeating myself, but I can't help it).

  4. Anonymous12:08 AM

    I grew up listening to Ernie Harwell so was sad to hear of his death. When I think back on childhood summers I think of sitting outside with my family and listening to him. He lived a long, wonderful life.

  5. I mowed Wednesday. I just heard the first oriole whistles here yesterday!

  6. I love your thoughts and posts. I am so glad you BOB is going to have his procedure and I pray for his quick and complete recovery. Happy mothers day!

    I love top down knitting, and I admire that you can transition to it on your own!

    Phoebes, what a great image.

    Ribs, homemade......divine

  7. A Hummingbird stopped by here for a drink last week. So it should be there any day. :-)

  8. I love the pheobe photo, and morels too, wow!


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