Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chat Back for May 15

Answering questions from comments and email.

Pam wrote . . .
I love your postings of birds we don't get here in Texas. Keep the photos coming!

Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes I feel like I'm posting the same thing year after year but I hope to continue as long as we live here.

I feel like I'm living in bird watching heaven. So many birds that I'd only seen in bird books before we moved to the country. Every spring I'm thrilled when they return, except for the Cowbirds and the English Sparrows.

The Goldfinches are year round residents, but they do change color with the seasons. In the late spring and summer the males are bright yellow.

Mom asked . . .
I love the pink knits in your blog. Is that my pink choice? It's beautiful!

You caught me! Yes, this is the cuff of one of your birthday socks. Glad you like it.

Dorothy asked . . .
What? No pictures of the Louise lunch? I always look forward to them. Hopefully a good time was had by all.

I hauled out the camera for daughter Heather's sock unwrapping and then got so busy yakking I forgot to get it out again.

The weather was horrid – cold (40s), very windy, and rain so there was no stopping for pictures on the way to our cars. We put our heads down and ran for it. I’ll try to remember to get some family pictures at Kimmy’s choir concert next week.

We had a very nice time. It’s fun to have Kimmy old enough to talk adult talk with us.

Nancy wrote . . .
A Hummingbird stopped by here for a drink last week. So it should be there any day. :-)

They arrived May 6, just in time for a week of cold, wet, windy weather.

Why do birds migrate from warm, tropical places to climates like SW Michigan?


  1. I echo the love of your bird pictures!! Keep 'em coming. I, especially, love to hear about the hatchlings and their progress. And, I also missed the Louise Lunch pictures. Just wondering how you like the Simply Socks Yarn Company house yarn and the KP Stroll?

  2. Couldnt you convince just one little goldfinch pair to head our way? It's our state bird after all, not that we've seen many. How are the bluebird babies doing?

  3. Glad to see the Hummers made it there. Now if some more would come here and stay.
    Also I was wondering what your brothers name is. I was trying to tell my husband and couldn't remember or find it by searching.
    Plus I really enjoy your knitting. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Yes, please keep the bird photos coming!! The hummingbird is wonderful. I live in SE MI, but we never get any here. I tried planting all the flowers they are supposed to like along with adding feeders, but gave up after a few years since I couldn't attract any. Glad to see you have them!

  5. I agree about the bird photos. I am a bird watcher too and I look forward to them. I'm glad you posted about the bluebirds a while back. I saw one here and immediately had my hubby put a house up for them. I have been seeing a pair of them for a couple of weeks and they seem to be going in and out of the house. I don't dare go close. I don't want to scare them. They're so beautiful!


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