Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook for April 6

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY April 6, 2010...

Outside my window...

The cowbirds are feeding.

The only good thing about this is that I have pictures for Wednesday Wings tomorrow. I'll explain then why these birds are not welcome.

I am thinking...
About what to put on the grocery list for tomorrow's trip to the store.

I am thankful for...


I love the way myrtle pops up green and fresh looking as soon as the snow melts off the top of it.

Because it has so many runners it's difficult to rake the leaves out. If I ignore raking it for another month, the myrtle will sprout up over the old tree leaves and look well tended even though it wasn't.

From the kitchen...
We are eating leftover rib roast from Sunday. So good.

I am wearing...
Jeans, a gray sweatshirt, and handknit socks with New Balance walking shoes.

I am creating...

The border band for my Featherweight Cardigan. There are 329 stitches on the needle and it's going slow. Maybe I can finish it tonight?

I am going...
To finish cleaning the bathroom as soon as I get up from here.

I am reading...
Lay Down My Sword and Shield by James Lee Burke.

I'm about a third of the way through and so far I am not enjoying the painful story of a drunk on his way to self-destruction.

The only reason I'm sticking with this book is because James Lee Burke's writing is excellent, as always, and I expect the story to get better soon as the drunk sobers up and gets busy setting the world right.

I am hoping...
For no more winter weather. SW Michigan is about three weeks ahead of normal for spring growth, and winter weather now would cause considerable damage to tender plants that are up and blooming, budding, putting out leaves.

I am hearing...
Bob's oxygen concentrator chugging away.

We had thunderstorms last night. Everytime the power went off for a few minutes the concentrator emitted a screeching wail to warn us it wasn't working. I'm a little tired today. Bob slept through all of it.

Around the house...
I'm sorting out and filing all the paperwork that was needed for the taxes.

The final paperwork is back from the CPA and the taxes are submitted - a super big checkoff on my list of things to do.

One of my favorite things...

Turtles, especially painted turtles.

These two were sunning themselves on the edge of the pond Easter Sunday.

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Hepatica, an early spring wildflower that grows on our property.


  1. I just love the color on your cardigan. I can't wait to see the finished pictures. We've been trying to grow some myrtle on the back above the rock wall in our backyard. Mixed results - some of it has come back, but not all. What's there is pretty, though, with little purple flowers.

  2. I love these posts so much. I'll bet you will finish the band on the cardigan. It is an amazing color, I agree with Dorothy!

  3. Carrie11:55 AM

    Thank you for knitting the toes on the socks! And, congrats on the taxes...I do Turbo Tax as soon as I get my W2...taxes are so much easier now that I'm not self-employed. Hoping for ongoing SPRING for you Michiganders!

  4. Thanks for sharing your Daybook. I love the first signs of spring, and sure hope winter doesn't decide to come back to visit in north central Ohio.

  5. I love that hepatica. I've never seen that before. I've enjoyed seeing your swatches and ideas for the edging of the featherweight cardigan. I am considering it also. Yours looks great.


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