Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Wings - Mallard Ducks

Mallards - the most common duck in America and the most common duck in our yard.

Every year we have Mallards checking out the creek and pond banks for a good nesting site. Most years they decide there are too many dogs and nest at the neighbors.

They do like to visit and swim around in the pond, though.

It's a good place to stop by for dinner.


  1. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Yes, great photos. We have an odd duck living at our pond and he has become a pet to the neighbors. Someone gave him a name and he answers.(LOL)

  2. Now I must quote poetry at you!

    Ducks' Ditty

    All along the backwater,
    Through the rushes tall,
    Ducks are a-dabbling,
    Up tails all!

    Ducks' tails, drakes' tails,
    Yellow feet a-quiver,
    Yellow bills all out of sight
    Busy in the river!

    Slushy green undergrowth
    Where the roach swim--
    Here we keep our larder,
    Cool and full and dim.

    Everyone for what he likes!
    WE like to be
    Heads down, tails up,
    Dabbling free!

    High in the blue above
    Swifts whirl and call--
    WE are down a-dabbling
    Up tails all!

    -Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows


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