Friday, March 05, 2010

The Tooth Experience

The tooth didn't "slip out" like my dentist predicted it should. After a half hour of trying, he decided the tooth was too well anchored to the jawbone for him to be comfortable working on it anymore. It was coming out in pieces and he was worried about facial nerve damage, so it was off to an oral surgeon with my mouth packed with gauze for an emergency appointment.

The oral surgeon was compassionate and quick. He gave me gas immediately and started working on removing the root. He said it came out in 30 pieces.

They packed my jaw in ice before I went home and told me to expect swelling for the next three days. I'm still icing it and the pain hasn't been too bad as long as I don't move my jaw.

They gave me a Vicodan Rx, but so far I have only taken Tylenol. I'd rather be alert than completely pain free.

I'm doing better than they expected I would. I'm able to read, knit, email, and I slept all night. It could be a lot worse.

I'm grateful there was a surgeon available to finish it yesterday instead of having to go back today and I'm grateful that I'm able to deal with the discomfort and not take the Vicodan which knocks me out.

We have many daffodil patches. This is the only one that's thawed off enough to be visible. The others are busy growing under the ice and snow and will have no trouble catching up.


  1. Oh yikes, I am sorry about the tooth :Shudder:

    Those little pokes of daffodil make me so HOPEFUL. Please come soon, spring!

  2. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I'm so sorry about the tooth. Ouch.

    I'm with you on avoiding Vicodin. I've taken it once in my life and I was so stoned that I couldn't figure out how to let the dogs outside. (True story.) I'll never take it again.

  3. That sounds like a nightmare of a dental visit. I'm so glad that the surgeon could finish the job right away.

    Your daffodil sprouts gave me a huge joy rush today!

  4. Eeew! My mouth hurts just reading about your experience. I hope you are much better today. Looks like Spring is on its way in your neighborhood too. Hurrah!

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Ohhhhhh, I am so sorry you had such a bad experience but happy there was an oral surgeon nearby. I am like you and usually NEVER take the prescriptions. Last time they gave me Oxycontin but I didn't bother to even get the RX filled.

    Hope you continue to heal and feel better! Can you eat or are you drinking fluids??

    P.S - 70 degrees here next Monday.

  6. OMG....been there done that.....too mayh times. glad you are feeling OK with the Tynelol...I'm a Advil gal myself...but stay pain free and alert! Good luck....

  7. Ouch!

    I have some daffodils that are buried under a four-foot-high heap of snow where the DH directed the snowblower.

    It will be a while before spring gets to them!

  8. Thank goodness it's over, Marguerite! Have had a few nasty dental experiences myself and really feel for you. Glad you're doing better than expected and that the Tylenol is doing the trick. Hang in there, my friend.

  9. You're a brave girl!

  10. So sorry for the dental experience Marguerite. I'm glad everything worked out well in the end and that you're on the road to recovery. I love the pics of the daffodils peeking their little heads out through the ice. Gives one hope for spring!

  11. Hope you are feeling better now.

  12. I hope you are feeling much better by now, Marguerite. Strong drugs are best avoided if possible.
    I've finished my Slackford Studio shawl from the green yarn. Rather poor photos on this entry. Here. As I took photo, blanket slipped and wrinkled.

    Thank you again for the yarn, I've enjoyed it.

  13. So very sorry to hear about the "dental issue." As I've been in and out of dentist's/oral surgeoun's offices now on a regular basis for 18 months, and the end of all this is finally in sight, oh, how I can sympathize with your story. Glad it was tolerable afterward and that you are on the mend.


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