Saturday, March 20, 2010

Early Spring Blooms

The first daffodil.

The Hellebores bloom along with the Snowdrops. Sometimes before if they're not buried under a pile of snow.

(Click on comic strip if you need it larger so you can read it.)

The flower pictures above were taken before the serious snow started this evening.

The Fairy Godmother For Women Who Have Put Their Children's Snowsuits on Just One Time Too Many who also works as the Fairy Godmother For Women Who Have Taken Dogs For Cold/Snowy/Icy Winter Walks One Time Too Many has been here and drawn the draperies for me.

I told her I was too old for a bikini so she refused to take a few pounds off my hips.


  1. Poor thing! Kathy in Iowa was saying they got snow and my niece in Arkansas said 5 inches was predicted there. If you and Bob want to pack up the dogs and come for a visit, I'd understand!

  2. I love your nature photos, Marguerite! And thanks for the link to the cardigan pattern~and its variations. Stay warm!

  3. The snow buried my stand of Daffodils, too. ARGH! But tomorrow and the rest of the week is supposed to be back up in the 60s. Go figure.

  4. Lovely spring must have its little joke!

    It snowed all DAY here yesterday.

  5. And down here we are longing for autumn to settle in, after a very long, extremely hot at times, summer. March now and yesterday's maximum was well over 30° C. Humid to boot. March can be beautiful here, crisp, clear and sunny. Nothing like it yet and we're all tired of the humidity.

    The daffodils must look a cheery splash of colour to you.


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