Monday, February 01, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook for February 1

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Monday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY February 1, 2009 ...

Outside my window... Bob has spread sunflower seeds on the sill and the little birds are stopping by for a snack.

This is a Tufted Titmouse.

I am thinking... that it's time to start working on getting things together for income tax. Yuck.

I am thankful for... my 10 year old Toyota Camry. Still going strong and not subject to the current recall fracas.

From the kitchen... there will be pork chops with applesauce this evening.

I am wearing... jeans, a pink sweatshirt, and some bright handknit socks that clash with the pink. Usually I'm more coordinated, but I changed clothes after lunch out with a friend and didn't change my socks.

I am creating... a new blog layout soon.

I am going... to start looking at stitch pattern books and lay out the top part of the red gansey that's been on hold for several months.

I am reading... (actually listening) Rules of Vengeance by Christopher Reich. This is one of those books I checked out of the library because it looked like it might be a good knitting listen. It's a convoluted spy story difficult to follow in audio. Lots of technical descriptions. Probably better to read it hardcover.

I am hoping... the starlings don't take over the bird feeders. We've never had very many and I'm hoping that continues.

I am hearing... the dogs bark as the mail is delivered.

Around the house... it's looking a little dog hairy. Need to vacuum soon.

One of my favorite things... flowers.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Going to get the haircut I had to cancel last week because of the snowstorm.
Lunch with Mom on Thursday.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

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