Friday, February 26, 2010

Short Subjects Starting With S

Basketweave ribbing is even more soothing than stockinette for me, so I'm enjoying knitting on Gail's socks. Do admit though, there is no challenge to it.

While redoing some of my blog post labels, it came to my attention I knit 32 pair of socks in 2009. I never would have guessed that many.

At the moment I have one pair on the needles, the next three pair ready to go, and I'm thinking about birthday socks for May and June.

I'm also thinking I want to knit something fun that's not socks. Like a shawl. I wish I liked to wear shawls, but I don't. So who wants one?

Skipping School
Pappy and I skipped doggy school last night. It was nasty cold with wind and I just wanted to stay home and not deal with trying to work with a golden age dog who doesn't want to work.

Pappy was content to snuggle up next to me while I knit on Gail's socks. I like to think he wanted to stay home too.

It's time to get out of denial and admit doggy school evenings are over. I think a few more attempts will convince me that's the right decision. The attempts will happen when the weather is better.


Yesterday AccuWeather Bob Larson's weather word for the five day forecast was "fluffy".

We're getting the tail end of the east coast blizzard. The sky is dark, the wind is blowing, the snow is harsh - not pretty, not fluffy.

As the end of winter approaches (we hope), I sense I'm sharing the wish for no more snow with more of the US than usual.


  1. Heh, I love to knit shawls too, but don't wear them that often. I think I'm going to start knitting them and donating them to my handspinning guild's raffle each month. I'll get the pleasure of making something, and somebody else can wear it.

  2. I have an "S" for you. Starting my own blog. Reading your blog has inspired me to start my own blog. I don't have any of my knitting posted yet but that's because I'm going to be getting a new camera to take pictures of it all with. Thank you so much for this blog. You have taught me so much. If you want to read what I have so far,

  3. Down here we are getting tired of summer hanging on, probably much as you are tired of the snow. At least summer does not bring road hazards unless there is a major dump of hail from a storm or a cooling southerly change rips out a few trees. We've had more rain in February than we've had for some years. Some outback towns broke rainfall records of over sixty years. As a result, Sydney which is always unpleasantly humid in February has been almost unbearable with heat in high 30s C and humidity around 88-93 %.

    So we're never satisfied, are we?

    I did nine shawls last year and have started brandywine nw. I wasn't a shawl wearer either but the house we were in was cold and Aestlight done in a thick homespun was very cosy. Gave some away, made a couple of Milkweed which I tie around my shoulders.

    I think I've become addicted to lace and other knits seem boring after the lace. It's also very pleasant to have others ooh and aah over what was really simple knitting mostly, just needing concentration and counting to produce something really beautiful when blocked.

  4. You know, I don't wear shawls that often either, but I keep on making them. I guess I consider them my "artwork". Sure wishing some spring for you. I know the snow is getting old!

  5. I love shawls, but since I knit my own, I don't really need you to knit me one! ;-) I am so tired of winter - I'm so happy we're too far west to be part of this storm, but our winter has also been colder than usual - not record-breaking cold, but 10-15 degrees below the average. It's supposed to get into the low 30s next week and I'm thrilled at the idea!

  6. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I feel the same as you about not wearing shawls but lately I've noticed patterns which can be worn as scarves (small shawlettes). WendyKnits has several.

    Sorry about your snow and cold weather. We have also had a colder than normal Winter but my cherry trees have small leafs. Spring cannot be far away!

  7. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Oh my, 32 pairs of socks! I've set a goal of 12 pairs this year plus 4-5 ufsocks.

    Do you pick or throw? I throw but I've started to knit Portuguese style to help with my wrists and thumb.

    Shawls - I don't wear them - yet. I have found that I wear a vest a lot. I've been on the search for a simple vest pattern with a little bit of style that buttons. So far, I haven't found one.

    Diane K

  8. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I've knit one shawl and I'm in the process of knitting a huge one in lace weight. It's a gorgeous deep orange and I'm looking forward to it.

    I wear them around the house when my shoulders get cold. Mostly while I'm in my reading chair.

  9. DOH that was not supposed to be anon. Susinok.


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