Monday, January 04, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook for January 4

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Monday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY January 4, 2010...

Outside my window...
It's lightly snowing and the bird feeders are busy.

I am thinking...
I've had enough sugar for a while.

I am thankful for...
The Kalamazoo Public Library which keeps me supplied with audio books and actual books. All for free as long as I get them back before the due date.

From the kitchen...
DH Bob just made a huge pot of what he calls chili. It's never the same twice and varies in taste so much that sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. No matter, he always likes it and I can eat something else without worrying about what he's going to have.

I am wearing...
Jeans and a beige sweatshirt. Multi colored handknit wool socks and, as always, a bit of dog hair.

I am creating...
DIL Anne's birthday socks out of some On Your Toes sock yarn she selected.

I am going...
I was going to lunch in Kalamazoo with a friend today, but we postponed because of slippery roads and reported slideoffs.

I am reading...
Hothouse Orchid by Stuart Woods, the 6th book in the Holly Barker series.

Entertaining, no brainer reading. In fact, the Holly Barker books are best if you don't try to think about the loopholes in the plot.

People actually buy this book? Checking it out of the library, I am free to enjoy it for what it is. If I had paid money for it, I would be annoyed.

I am hoping...
That my church gets a new Senior Pastor soon. We've been without since September.

I am hearing...
The wind blow as the next Lake Effect Snow band moves into the area.

Around the house...
I've been lazy. Some Christmas things still need to be put away.

One of my favorite things...
The dogs all had a nice bath at the groomer last week so they're clean, fluffy, and soft.

She trimmed the hair on their feet and between their toes so the snow doesn't build up into ice there when they're outside.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Relax, knit, and enjoy the snow.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

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