Friday, January 01, 2010

Bringing in 2010 With a Foot of Snow

Best wishes for a wonderful year to all my readers and their families and friends.

I am thankful for everyone who visits here, and especially grateful to those of you who take a minute and let me know you've popped in to share a minute or two of my life via this blog.

For the past several days I've considered writing a year end post to sum up 2009, finally deciding it's best to just look to the future.

My personal resolution for 2010 is to work on accepting what can't be changed and making the best of it. Enjoying what's available to enjoy and being thankful for what we have.

We are in the middle of a Lake Effect Snow dump forecast to go on and off for days. So far we have about eight inches.

To test my resolution, let me tell you some good things about this weather.

  • It's beautiful.
  • We have a warm, heated house.
  • We have plenty of food in stock, both human and canine.
  • There is no reason to try and go anywhere, not that we could get out of the driveway.
  • The dogs get tired walking in the heavy, deep snow. After ten minutes outside they some in ready to snuggle and nap.
  • DH Bob will be following football all day.
  • I have the new Sue Grafton "U is for Undertoe" audiobook ready to play and plenty of lovely yarn to knit.
  • Lake Effect Snow is unpredictable. Maybe it will stop before we're buried.

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