Monday, December 07, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook for December 7

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Monday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY December 7, 2009...

Outside my window...
It's snowing.

I am thinking...
About buying a new car. Maybe in the spring. Or maybe not. My ten year old Camry is still running well with 102,000 miles and has hardly any rust.

I am thankful for...
The recovery of my good friend after her appendix ruptured last week.

From the kitchen...
Bob is still eating left over turkey because he loves it. I've moved on to other things and left the turkey for him.

I am wearing...
Jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt with embroidered violets on the front. Also some worsted weight wool socks.

I am creating...
Some fingerless mittens to wear when I'm trying to take winter pictures outdoors.

They were an unplanned, procrastination project to provide a break from basic k7p1 rib socks that have to be done by Sunday. Time to get back to k7p1.

I am going...
To get the grocery shopping done tomorrow, a day ahead of schedule, because we're expecting freezing rain, sleet, and snow Tuesday night and Wednesday. National Weather Service says this is going to happen, 100% probability.

I am reading...
Actually listening to the Maisie Dobbs books by Jacqueline Winspear while I knit k7p1 ribbing. Maisie is a "psychologist and investigator" in post World War I London. The books are interesting for the time period as well as good mysteries.

I am hoping...
All my cyber shopping gifts arrive in time for Christmas celebrations.

I am hearing...
The dogs start to mill around in anticipation of dinner time. They're taking their places where they watch for food to be served.

Around the house...
Things need to be tidied up and dusted. There will be no picture of the house in its current condition.

One of my favorite things...
Yarn in the mail today! More Stalwart Sock from Slackford Studio - From Dusk to Dawn (deep purple), Lilac Swirl (medium purple), and Iced Lilac (pastel purple), all much prettier than the picture. There is no natural light because it's totally dark and dreary outside.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
  • Finish dog trainer Gail's k7p1 socks.
  • Start wrapping gifts.
  • Start knitting a pair of socks for Mom out of one of the new purples.
  • Get a haircut, weather permitting.
  • Have lunch with Mom, weather permitting.
  • Doggy school Christmas party on Sunday.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

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