Monday, August 03, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook for August 3

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Monday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY August 3, 2009...

Outside my window...
was a Little Green Heron looking for lunch in the pond.

I am thinking... It's time to see if Pappy is going to be a good sport about having his teeth brushed and if I have the self discipline to add that task to my daily routine.

I am thankful for... This beautiful, cool summer.

From the kitchen...

I am wearing... Jean shorts and a striped tee

I am creating... Two pair of socks using the two August patterns chosen by Sock Innovation KAL, (a Ravelry link).

First I started Vilai, on the left, knit with Slackford Studio Stalwart Sock Yarn in Paprickash. One pattern repeat is done.

Vilai is not a pattern I can knit casually while listening to an audio book or talking to Bob. I have to pay attention and occasionally even talk out loud to myself to figure out what I'm doing.

Sometimes I want to just knit with less concentration, so I started Summer Sox, on the right, knit with Slackford Studio Stalwart Sock Yarn in Soft Jade.

I am reading... After debating if I want to admit this or not, I decided to come clean. I'm listening to the new J.D. Robb book, Promises in Death.

For those who don't know, J.D Robb delivers futuristic fantasy, unrealistic characters, murder, and sex. If you're not looking for anything the slightest bit intellectual or realistic, they're good audio books to knit by.

I am hoping... That when the respiration therapist comes Thursday Bob is strong enough that she'll leave some little portable oxygen tanks for when we leave home or he goes outside the house.

She tried him out on a small tank two weeks ago and he wasn't ready yet. Until he can keep his blood oxygen up with the small tank we have to take a big heavy tank on wheels when we go out.

I am hearing... A stiff breeze blowing through the trees. It would be nice if we could have some rain, at least enough so I can mow without creating a dust storm.

Around the house... I'm cleaning and organizing my back room knitting area. It's a small room and it's been difficult to walk in there since I added doggy steps for Sunny to get up on the couch with me.

One of my favorite things... Is ice cream. I've been indulging this summer and some of it is sticking to my middle.

A few plans for the rest of the week:

  • Go to Kalamazoo and have lunch with Mom at Fletcher's Pub. Various errands on the way and on the way home.
  • Blowing my nose, sneezing, and coughing. It's allergy season.
  • Trying to get someone to come get the willow tree off the barn. Yes, it's still there. We're a bit behind on unnecessary activities right now. I'm striving to take one day at a time and not to let this stress me out.
  • All the basics: Laundry, cleaning, cooking, dishes, bill paying, lawn mowing, weeding, dog care.
  • I didn't realize how uninteresting my life has become until I wrote this.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Doe bringing fawn across the street to show him/her where all the good hostas are/were growing.

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