Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quick Update on Where Am I?

Only my Mother could look this good in a hospital bed dressed in a hospital gown three days after having a heart attack.

Do I need to say more about why I haven't been blogging this week?

Brother Dave from Oregon arrived last night to help. Can't remember when I've been more glad to see someone.

Blogging has been low on my priority list lately, but not forgotten.

Knitting hasn't been getting much attention, either. To have time to relax and knit sounds like a luxury right now.

Pomatomus socks were finished before the heart attack. I'll post about them when I have time and after I catch up on my sleep. It could be a while.

Cookie A. Sunshine socks are easy enough so I can pick them up and knit a few rows here and there even when sleep deprived and/or braindead. They're for Mom's birthday next Thursday.

Sunny gets a little better every day. She's still on steroids and Xanax. She's walking and able to sleep at night. She wants to snuggle, but it's not comfortable for her yet.

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