Monday, May 04, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook for May 4

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Monday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY May 4, 2009...

Outside my window...The deciduous trees are leafing out. Finally. They're at least a week behind average this year.

I am thinking... It's almost time to see the first Oriole. There are oranges waiting in the kitchen for their post-migration snack.

I am thankful for... Springtime.

From the kitchen... The first batch of hummingbird food is cooling in anticipation of the hummers' arrival. Any day now. I need to find the feeder.

Later: First hummer is here! He looked in the window to remind me he needed sugar juice and he got it.

I am wearing... Jeans and an old tee shirt. The bottoms of my jeans are tucked in my socks because we've just had a large black fly hatch. They like to go up pantlegs to bite. I have over a dozen bites on my legs. They hurt and itch, both at the same time.

I am creating... A pair of Cookie's Kai Mei socks for the Sock Innovation Knitalong group on Ravelry. Both cuffs and heels are done and I'm ready for the fun part on the foot. Details in a future post.

I am going... To have to figure out new ways to get to the places I go in Kalamazoo and Portage. Summer road construction has begun and some of my favorite routes are closed or down to one lane.

I am reading... Just finished listening to Josephine Tey's The Franchise Affair. Very enjoyable.

I am hoping... For a still day tomorrow so I can burn the thousands of sticks I've picked up and will continue to pick up while I'm tending the fire.

I am hearing... DH Bob singing off key. He has headphones on and can't hear himself or I think he would be embarrassed. Without headphones, he has a great voice and knows how to carry a tune.

Around the house... All the plants are popping out of the ground. As usual, the weeds are growing faster than the flowers.

One of my favorite things... The violets that pop up randomly all over the property this time of year. They are so delicate and pretty. I never weed them out no matter where I find them.

We also have white ones and yellow ones, but the blue are my favorite.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Working in the yard. Next week I'll be buying annuals to plant.

Saturday is Louise Lunch where four generations of women with the middle name Louise get together to celebrate Mother's Day and daughter Heather Louise's birthday.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...There are five beautiful blue eggs in the bluebird nest box that should be hatching mid week.

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