Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trying Out New Pathways

If you like muttering to yourself while trying to figure out what a book is taking about, I highly recommend New Pathways for Sock Knitters by Cat Bordhi.

The first chapter, called the "Entryway chapter", gives instructions for knitting two little sample socks in order to "be ready to travel happily along brand new pathways of sock architecture."

I knit one of each, but I'm not sure I'm traveling yet. I am certain I'm not traveling happily. I'm traveling with hesitation.

The sock on the left is the Little Sky Sock. Little Coriolis is on the right.

Little Coriolis is my first toe up sock ever. It uses the figure 8 cast on and I was way overdue to learn that sock knitting skill.

Front views of the two socks above.

My two sample socks are done. Now I have to ask the question: Is there any reason to knit more socks using these "new pathways"?

If there is an answer to "why?", it's to do it for the fun of it. Or the challenge of it.

I haven't come up with the final answer yet, but for now I need to finish some March birthday socks using old, simple pathways.

If you've knit socks from this book, I'd love to hear your comments on the process and/or the finished result.

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