Monday, March 30, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook for March 30

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Monday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY March 30, 2009...

Outside my window... The sun is shining and the bird feeders need filling. It's so nice to see the sun after the rain and snow we had over the weekend.

I am thinking... About all the things I need to do before leaving for Idaho on Wednesday. Most important is laundry and packing so that's what I'm working on today.

I am thankful for... Having the taxes under control and delivered to the accountant.

From the kitchen... One of the less desirable signs of spring - the first ant invasion of the season.

I am wearing... A red, long-sleeved fleece top, jeans, handknit red socks, New Balance walking shoes.

I am creating...
The boring part of the Lighthouse Gansey is done and I've just started on the fun, interesting stitch patterns. Details in a future post.

I am going... To Northern Idaho on Wednesday morning for a week with Granddaughter Sydney and her parents.

I am reading... Just finished (actually I skipped through a lot of it) It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh after seeing it in the library and wondering if it might provide motivation to sort some things out and tidy up.

The result? Motivation is still tepid. After all, I don't want to get too tired before my trip.

I am hoping... For a good visit with my Idaho family, ontime flights, and stress free airport experiences.

I am hearing... The Phoebes' call. They just arrived back last week.

Around the house... There are piles of sorted laundry, an open suitcase, and the quiet noise of the washing machine.

One of my favorite things...
All the little signs of spring.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Wednesday I'm going to arrive in Spokane, drive to Post Falls Idaho, and give everyone a big hug.

Thursday morning I'm going to babysit Sydney so her dad can go to work earlier than usual.

Friday morning I'm going to Sydney's preschool to help color Easter eggs. Afterward the kids are coming back to the house for a 4th birthday party.

Saturday is another birthday party with family friends.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Mr. Cardinal had a great time washing off the remains of winter in the creek.

Same bathing Cardinal in the water. I didn't notice the second Cardinal on the branch until I loaded the pictures onto my laptop.

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