Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Snow and Simple Socks

Sunday when I pulled into a parking spot at church, this is what I saw out the windshield and all along the edge of the lot. We have lots of snow and don't want anymore.

We also don't want it to warm up and thaw so fast that things flood, especially our basement.

The weatherpeople (very unpopular people this winter) don't care what we want. We're scheduled to get more snow in the next few days with temperatures in the single digits. Then the weekend is going to bring the tardy January thaw with temps in the 40s.

Lately I've been feeling rather blah, typical for this time of year. I've heard some people call it "cabin fever". I don't mind the cozy in the house part of winter, but walking outside is like being on a hostile planet.

I felt like some mindless knitting, a basic pair of worsted weight wool socks for the older Mittens for Akkol kids.

I have various skeins of wool to make plenty more of these socks, but they make a very uninteresting blogging topic. This pair was knit 40 stitches around on #5 needles. The cuffs and instep are a plain p1,k3 ribbing.

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